Day 35: Try Again

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"I fucked it all up... how could I?" Yeonjun sobbed, leaning onto San's shoulder as Wooyoung wiped his tears.

"It's okay, it's okay. You know.. maybe it's too much to handle." San sighed, patting his friends back.

"With everything going on, I understand. How could you fuck up so bad? Like, apologize to Taeyong!" Wooyoung sighed.

"And would you stop munching so loudly, Taehyun..?" San sighed, as the other shrugged.

"It's just how they sound! You chew like a pig." Taehyun rolled his eyes.

"But I really am sorry about you and Soobin... I really thought you guys liked each other." Taehyun mumbled, and pat Yeonjun's back.

"I really did too." Yeonjun whispered, before he began sobbing.

"Great! Now look what you did, he's crying again!" San grumbled, as he stuffed blue cotton candy up Yeonjun's mouth, muffling his cries.

"Hey, that was half of the cotton candy! bitch!" Wooyoung complained.

"There's pink cotton candy too, suck it up." San rolled his eyes.

"Guys, I kinda... also wanted to say something." Taehyun shyly smiled.

"What is it?"

"I don't know if I like Seonghwa or Beomgyu..." Taehyun sighed.

"Boo, Hendery is with Gyu, so go with Seonghwa." Wooyoung laughed.

"I wish we could just... go back. You know... before.. before we started the show.." Taehyun sighed, feeling a knot form in his throat while speaking of it. It made him emotional, back when they were just average high schoolers. He missed it and it saddened him that he knew that feeling would never come again.

The feeling of just being normal. Where you could go out and not have to bother to hide your face, or worry what fans will think of your options. The feeling of being treated like a human.

"Honestly, me too. Me, Yeonjun and Wooyoung were just known as Jung Wooyoung, Choi San and Choi Yeonjun. Now we're addressed to as 'San, Wooyoung and Yeonjun of The Choi Roommates'. It upsets me a bit. Really... Ah..." San sighed, as he began getting emotional as well.

Yeonjun nodded, agreeing to everything as he spaced out..

If it wasn't for this show, he wouldn't be so sad. He wouldn't have met Soobin. Or bother to tell everyone on the globe that he was dating NCT's Sungchan as a misunderstanding he saw and exposed out of rage and sadness. He almost fell sorry for himself over anyone.

But it felt... stupid. Why would he feel sorry for himself when he was the one causing problems in his own life? Soobin? He chose to like him. Soobin didn't tell him to. He also didn't tell him to lie to the public and cause controversy. Nobody at all did.

What was that feeling called again? Love. Why was this feeling he had so obsessive on Soobin? Why him? And why couldn't it move on? Yeonjun had so many questions about it, but none he could answer. Nobody could. Then again, when did he even realize the way he felt for Soobin anyways?

The claim it had been the second they made out, but then why was he so excited before about the possibility of meeting lips with the other, even if he didn't like him yet? Was it love at first sight, or was it just him being idiotic?

"I don't feel well, i'm going to sleep." Yeonjun whispered, and walked to Hueningkai's room. San, Wooyoung and Taehyun nodded in response, and sweetly whispered a 'goodnight' to the boy in sync.

He slumped down in the bed, and placed his arm over his eyes, sighing.


Hueningkai. The little boy he had fallen in love with. He was so sweet, bubbly, the answer to all his problems. His backbone, his friend. Someone he could go to when he was down, someone he could go to when he was struggling or in pain.

He was younger by 3 years, Yeonjun knew. But he couldn't find himself anywhere right now if it weren't for him. On camera, you wouldn't know that. But off camera, they were like gluey slime. Ever since they had had the conversation in San's party, he felt connected to him.

Was was it to Hueningkai anyway? Did he miss him as much as he missed him? Yeonjun asked himself this question. He glanced at the picture besides Hueningkai's bed and behind the pile of plushies. It was a photo of him and Soobin, the same one he had seen in the room he shared with Soobin.

"Choi Soobin.." He whispered to himself. "I'm curious of you.I want to know all about you. Your birthday, your style, your interests, your fashion." He played with his hand as he spoke, gazing at the shadow it made in the dark room that was just alight by the lonely moon, just slightly but just bright enough to make a shadow.

He slumped his face against Hueningkai's huge rabbit, Tobin.

"I wonder what Soobin is thinking of right now."


Soobin hit his head as he tried to get up from his bed. He groaned as he slightly pushed the boy besides him to move. He glanced over to him, a puffy face asserting dominance of his expression.

"Sungchan, move..." He whispered, as he lovingly caressed the other's handsome and smooth face.

Sungchan made a noise in protest, as he continued with his hulk grip on Soobin's waist.

"Just stay for a little longer." Sungchan whispered, digging his face in Soobin's chest.

"It's time to start filming, in 2 minutes. If people see us like this they'll think Yeonjun's statement was true." Soobin sighed.

Sungchan ignored his words, and hummed in response, still half asleep.

"We're friends, why can't we cuddle?" Sungchan mumbled as Soobin now pushed him off, ruining the others comfort.

"I barely found the perfect pose though..." Sungchan yawned, as he got up.

"Whatever. Today I'll be able to get up." Soobin happily smiled.

"You have an interview tomorrow,right?" Sungchan yawned, as he grabbed the curtain that separated both sides of the room.

"Mhm. It's my first time in public since the scandal. I'll try to clear it up and all. Besides the show, of course." Soobin sighed. Sungchan grumbled, as he got up.

"Did the others already wake up?" Soobin asked.

"Yangyang is still in his sleeping bag." Sungchan called, as he pushed the older boy.

"Hey... go away.." He grumbled.

"Get up lazy ass." SungChan mumbled, as he laid besides the older.

"Just 5 more minutes..." Yangyang complained.

"M'Kay..." SungChan whispered, as he cuddled under Yangyang's arm, comfortably laying down.

Soobin rolled his eyes, before he turned to the others. Kun, Doyoung and Jaehyun had already gotten up, while Jisung and Chenle were still asleep.

"I'll let them sleep more.." He yawned, as he walked out of the room lazily.

"Morning Soobin." Beomgyu said, as he flipped a pancake.

As he waited for it to fall back to the pan, he looked up and saw it stuck to the roof.

He grumpily sighed, and yelled for Kun.

"Kun hyung, the pancake-"

"Got stuck? Again?" Kun sighed, as he got on a chair that was already set up besides Beomgyu, and took it down.

"I don't think anyone's gonna eat that...." Kun whispered, as he saw the destroyed and trashed pancake fall back onto the pan.

"What? Why?" Beomgyu asked.

"Umm..." Kun said, as he glanced at it.

"Don't worry about it."

-To Be Continued-

Yeeeee okay I hope you enjoyed 😄✨✨

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