How Can I Live Like This?

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"Ma, Pa! I want to introduce you guys to someone!" Karime smiled, as she took her parents' hands. Her cousin and siblings followed,

"Your boyfriend? Haha, is he cute?" Manuel teased her daughter, who had never shown interest in a guy.

"No..! Well.." Karime blushed, thinking of Kai. He.. was always there for him. He was funny. And..
Very handsome.

"Ohh~ little Mime has a crush on a boy!" Karla and Lourdes, their mom,  laughed.

"It's not like that!" Karime yelled, flustered.

"What's his name? Is he also Latino?" Karla laughed, as she hugged her little sister, who was not so little anymore.

"Huening Kai.." She whispered.

"What?" Karla asked, and asked for her to repeat herself.

"H..." Karime started, before she felt something in her chest. She hadn't felt this since..

"Karime, stop playing around!" Ash, Karimes older cousin, yelled.

"But it's so fun up here~" A 6-year-old girl laughed, as she balanced herself on the edge of the balcony.

"Get down!" She screamed, before the last thing Karime saw, was her cousins terrified expression.

Then bam.

She screamed in pain, as she felt dizzy.
She didnt know what to do.

She then blacked out.

"She will need a transplant." Someone said.
She heard crying.
She heard her mom crying. Her dad, her sister, and her cousin.

"Mime.. Mime.." Karla sobbed.

She opened her eyes, and faced them all.

"M-mom... Dad.." She cried, almost instantly.

"Karime... Oh my baby.." Her mom sobbed.

"She'll be alright for a while, right doctor..?" Manuel asked, as the doctor worriedly looked down.

"There's a high chance she might last longer than usual without a transplant due to her age, but.. I can't guarantee it. It's not absolutely needed instantly." The doctor shook his head, and set his clipboard under his arm.

"Alright.. thank you doc.." Manuel whispered, as the doctor left the room.

"Lourdes.. where are we going to get 5 million pesos? We can barely pay rent, and late..." Manuel cried, as he sat next to his daughter.

"I don't know.. but I want her alive.."


I had made it so far..

"Karime! Karime..." She heard once again. It was almost deja vu.

She opened her eyes, and was met with her family. They were all crying.

"What... happened..?" She sighed.

Her heart. It... didnt hurt. But it felt.. heavy.

"Mom.. dad..." She whispered.

"We got a successful heart transplant." The doctor smiled, as Lourdes and Manuel rushed to hug their daughter.

"Ma.. pa!" She cried, and hugged them.

"Ay Mija... I'm so happy.."

"Me too.."

"Who was my donor?" Karime whispered, as everyone went silent.

"He was a kind young man.." Lourdes smiled.

"What.. what happened to him..?" Karime asked, worried.

"He's recovering" Manuel said, as Karime sighed in relief.

"W-where is he?" She asked.

"In the next room." The doctor said.

"Can we.. go see him?"


Karime walked to the next room, nervous. Who was this guy?

She heard crying from inside, and quickly felt herself tense up.

"My son.. no.. my son.. you'll be fine! You'll be fine.." She heard.

"Stay strong little bro.. you're the strongest person I know.."

Karime opened the door.

Her heart sank to the floor.

On the bed laid Huening Kai.

"Kai!" She yelled, and ran to the boy, who weakly smiled.

"Karime..." He coughed, and held his chest in pain.

"Kai.. no! You bastard!" Karime sobbed.

"Karime, I don't have much time left."

"Kai.. stop.. please say you didn't.."

"Please live a long life. For me?" Kai smiled, and held the girls hand.


"I'm sorry. And thank you for everything..." Kai whispered.


"NO! NO MY SON!" Mrs. Huening screamed in agony. Bahiyyih and Lea sobbed as they hugged their brothers diseased body.

"HUENINGKAI WAKE UP! HUENINGKAI!" Karime yelled, as she shook the boy, the loud beep stinging the ears.

Doctors rushed in, and dragged the families out.

"My son..! No..! No! He can't be dead...!" She sobbed.

"My son.. my little boy.. he's only 19...!" Mrs. Huening screamed.

"Kai.." Karime sobbed.

"How can I live knowing I'm the reason you're dead?!" Karime screamed, as her family hugged her.


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