Special Episode

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"Today Marks fifty years since the reality show The Choi Roommates ended.. please welcome in the main cast."

70, Choi Soobin
71, Choi Yeonjun
69, Choi Beomgyu
68, Kang Taehyun
71, Choi San
71, Jung Wooyoung
67, Huening Kai

"Please, tell us how your lifes have been since the ending of the show."

"It's been pretty good.. some tough patches, missing our dearest Kai, but we've been happy as a married couple." Soobin smiled, as Yeonjun grumped.

"You know, back then, when I was young and hot, life was pretty easy." He grumbled, as San and Wooyoung laughed.

"You fucking old man, you're being so dramatic." Wooyoung laughed.

"Is he? I agree." Taehyun rolled his eyes.

"It may have been easier, but we're retired now. We're doin good." Beomgyu smiled.

"You know, ever since the death of Taeil, one thing I've learned is that we didn't give him enough credit." San sighed, as the others nodded.

"He was an angel. He introduced us all." Soobin frowned.

"Oh, shut it with your emo stuff will ya?" Winwin yelled from the crowd.

"My husband's dead, but I can still feel that bastard next to me." He shuddered.

"We're sorry, he's off his meds." Doyoung apologized.

"You know what? You're all so embarrassing! I'm leaving!" Yangyang yelled, as Hendery sat him down.



"Well at last SOMEONE has got Yangyang under control." Ten sighed.

"I'm perfectly under control all the time thank you very much you old fucking hag." Yangyang yelled.

"Yeah. Sure." Ten sighed. "You can't even shit on me for being old anymore, you're in your 70s!!"


"Okay, calm down." Hendery laughed, as Yangyang rolled his eyes.

"So.." Taehyun started, as everyone turned.

"Whats been up?"

"How long has it been since we last saw each other?" Yeonjun thought.

"Ten years." Taeyong smiled, as he held Jaehyun's hand.

"Yeah, a LONG time." Seonghwa said, as Wooyoung coughed.

"I saw you two days ago at Min's Market." He rolled his eyes, as Seonghwa grit his teeth and smiled.

"Has everyone been happy?" Karime asked, as everyone nodded.

"How about you and Hiyyih? Strong going?" Yeonjun asked, as Bahiyyih smiled.

"Yeah, ever since we got married we haven't argued at all." She said.

"Yeah we have." Karime input, as Bahiyyih turned her head in annoyance.

"Name one time."

"Oh, when it was Lea's wedding and I wanted to wear the earrings Karla gave me and you said no cuz they were green." Karime challenged.

"What?" Bahiyyih thought, as Karime hugged her.

"And then after, those earrings were in your bag?"

"Oh damnit."


Everyone waved, and agreed to meet up on the weekend.

"Wow, I hadn't seen them in so long. It felt like I was young again." Soobin laughed, as Yeonjun smiled.

"I miss those days." He sighed, as he reminisced on the memories.

"Remember when we watched Train to Busan together?" He smiled, as Yeonjun shook in cringe.

"God, I was such a bastard. You really do cry at everything!" Yeonjun joked, as Soobin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I do. So how about we watch it together?" Soobin smiled.

"You bet."


They sat and watched the movie with tears in their eyes, the feelings of when they were 19 and 20 coming back.

When the movie was done they went out to their porch and sat in their rocking chairs.

"You know, I've lived a happy life beside you. Even if you were a little irritable." Soobin smirked, as Yeonjun chuckled.

"Wow, you really have a way to make me smile and then absolutely crush it down." Yeonjun laughed.

"I've lived a happy life too though." He smiled softly.

He placed his hand on Soobin's and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"Remember that time? When we first met? I thought you were a loser." He laughed.

"I thought you were arrogant and self obsessed." Soobin smiled, as Yeonjun looked up in annoyance.

"Whatever! I was just fun."

"Yeah. But ever since that day, despite our arguments, I always thought about how handsome you were...

and how much I wanted to be your friend."

"When Beomgyu told me you found me cute, I thought my heart was going to explode. It was beating so hard."

"You really were cute though. Still are as a old man!" Yeonjun smiled.

"...I love you, Yeonjun Choi. A lot.." Soobin said, as Yeonjun laughed.

"I love you too, Soobin Choi. You made me happy in my young years as well as in my last moments." He sniffled, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"You too..."

They shared one last kiss under the moonlight, as their old bodies gave out, and they had completed their life.

Those years were beautiful.

Their life was happy.


"I was looking forward to seeing you, but that hurt." Kai yelled, tears rolling down his face.

"I've missed you buddy." Soobin smiled, as Yeonjun sobbed and hugged the younger.

"Why are you crying, seriously?!" Kai sighed, as he smiled.

"You're here too?" Beomgyu called, as Taehyun, San and Wooyoung followed in.

"You're dead too?!" Soobin exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, but that's cause this bastard doesn't know how to look both ways before stepping on the pedal." Taehyun rolled his eyes, as Beomgyu awkwardly bit his lip.

"...it was a happy and long life though." They all heard, and turned.

Soobin gasped.

"Mom!" He broke down, and hugged her.

"I've missed you, my sweet boy." She smiled, as he sobbed in her arms.

"Mom, you looked over me right? You met my husband and my new family right?" He cried.

"I did. They are all lovely people." She smiled, and looked at Yeonjun.

"Thank you so much."

They all took each other's hands, and walked down the road to the afterlife, where eternal happiness met them.

(As well as Taeil's proud soul.)

As the years passed by, everyone in that meeting joined, and they relived their life, in their young bodies, happily forever.

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