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Third Person


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"Come in." Wendy said, as she turned around to face her bedroom door, "Hello." The Doctor said as he entered the room, Wendy waved at the Time Lord as she watched him sit on the end of her bed. Wendy sat up and brought her knees to her chest, "Amy's back, our Amy." The Doctor told her.

"Good. Was I right, then?" Wendy asked.

"About...?" The Doctor asked.

"You making Rory choose." Wendy answered, the Doctor looked away from her which gave Wendy her answer, "It's fine. I'll forgive you soon enough, but Rory's been through enough and I don't like seeing him upset. I also don't like seeing him angry at you, which I'm assuming happened." Wendy told her fiancee.

"Yeah..." The Doctor said. 

"I'm getting good at understanding people... well, you, Amy and Rory. And you're an alien, so, it doesn't really count." Wendy said with a smile on her face, a ping was then heard from her phone, she read out the text message, "It's from my Mum, she says, 'I had fun when you visited, although you did seem quite traumatised from the babysitting.' Then parenthesis, 'I told you not to do it, you and children don't mix. Especially ones you can't hand back straight away.' Thanks Mum, that's so nice. 'Please come and visit again soon, this time bring Amy, Rory and the Doctor.' Another set of parenthesis, 'I can't believe you're engaged, although your Dad doubts you'll end up getting married, as you never liked big crowds and all the attention on you, and your Father has just added, you only like attention when it's an academic achievement.' Why is this a paragraph?" Wendy read out, the Doctor laughed at her reaction to her mother's message and asked "Is that the end?"

"No, I wish it was, but it isn't. There's a few more lines, she then says, 'Just message me beforehand and I'll make a corned-beef stew.' Oh yeah, that sounds great. 'See you soon. xxx' I'll keep that in mind for the future." Wendy said.

"So, you want to go home and see your parents?" The Doctor asked.

Wendy shook her head and said "Cardiff, 2008." 

"Ahh, Torchwood. OK, that's fine." The Doctor said.

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Wendy was sat on the edge of the drop down to the morgue in the Hub, with her legs crossed over as she peered through the metal fencing, "Documents on the body identify the victim as Meredith Roberts." Jack told the team.

"No signs of obvious violence." Owen said.

"So, it wasn't the Weevil who killed him?" Wendy asked Owen.

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