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Third Person

The Time of Angels

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The Doctor had decided to take the sisters to a museum, which caused contrasting feelings in both of the sisters

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The Doctor had decided to take the sisters to a museum, which caused contrasting feelings in both of the sisters. Amy was annoyed as she wanted to go to a planet, however Wendy was excited as museums were interesting and would teach her more about the future. The museum he took them too was similar to an old English cathedral, if it wasn't for the museum signs and the exhibits, Wendy would have believed that's where he had taken them.

The Doctor was running down the corridor of the museum, going up to the exhibits and saying "Wrong! Wrong! Bit right, mostly wrong. I love museums." Wendy followed him and said "It doesn't sound like it, or do you just like complaining?" He stopped and pointed at Wendy while saying "You... You... You are correct." She smiled and stopped at some of the exhibits to look at what was wrong.

Amy was not having as much fun as the other two and said "Great(!) Can we go to a planet now? Big space ship, Churchill's bunker...? You promised me a planet next." The Doctor continued walking up the glass exhibits and said "Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delirium Archive, final resting place of the headless monks, the biggest museum ever."

"You've got a time machine, what do you need museums for?" Amy asked him, the Doctor only exclaimed "Wrong! Very wrong! Ooh, one of mine. Also one of mine." While inspecting the objects inside of the glass container. "Oh, I see. It's how you keep score." Amy said. Wendy decided to walk ahead and was looking at a box similar to a black box you would find on an airplane, the Doctor seemed to have the same idea and lent on the glass to get a better look at it.

Amy walked over to look at it and said "Oh great, an old box." Wendy said "It looks like a black box, you know on planes. Although they are red, but I'm guessing it's a similar concept, record everything that happens on the flight." The Doctor nodded and said "It's from one of the old starliners. A Home Box. As Wendy said, it's like a black box on a plane except it homes. Anything happens to the ship, the Home Box flies home with all the flight data." Wendy let out a loud "Ha. Knew it. Sorry, before trains I spent time researching other transportation, so planes. It's not important, carry on."

Amy chuckled at her sister and asked "So?"

"The writing, the graffiti - Old High Gallifreyan. The lost language of the Time Lords. There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple Gods." The Doctor told her. "What does it say?" Wendy asked.

"Hello, sweetie." 

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The Doctor quickly decided that the only reasonable option was to steal the Home Box. The alarm started ringing and the trio were running towards the TARDIS as guards were chasing after them. Wendy yelled, "Was there really no other way to do it?" She was the last one to enter the TARDIS, so the Doctor either did not hear her or did not want to answer the girl's question.

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