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Third Person

Vincent and the Doctor

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The Doctor was taking the sisters on various trips to help them both grieve, despite Amy not knowing she is grieving, and it was Wendy's turn to choose their destination. She had always loved the work of Vincent Van Gogh, despite not being the biggest fan of art, she was always interested in his life and how that manifested into his paintings. So, the Doctor had took them to the Musee d'Orsay in Parish and Wendy was watching a man talk about a painting.

"So this is one of the last paintings Van Gogh ever painted. Those final months of his life were probably the most astonishing artistic outpouring in history. It was like Shakespeare knocking off Othello, Macbeth and King Lear over the summer hols. And especially astonishing because Van Gogh did it with no hope of praise or reward." He said, when Wendy noticed that the Doctor and Amy had finally caught up with her, she turned around and walked over to them.

"Thanks for bringing us." Amy said to the Doctor.

"You're welcome." The Doctor said.

"You're being so nice to us. Why are you being so nice?" Amy asked, Wendy's eyes widened slightly and she glanced at the Doctor, he brushed it off and said "I'm always nice to you."

"Not like this. These places you're taking us - Arcadia, the Trojan Gardens, now this. I think it's suspicious." Amy said to him.

"There's nothing to be suspicious about. Wendy is there anything to be suspicious about?" The Doctor asked the other girl in the know about why he was being nice.

"No, nothing to be suspicious about." Wendy confirmed.

"OK, I was joking. Why aren't you?" Amy asked.

Wendy turned back towards the guide who was now saying "Each of these pictures now is worth tens of millions of pounds. Yet in his lifetime he was a commercial disaster. Sold only one painting, and that to the sister of a friend. We have here possible the greatest artist of all time, but when he died, you could have sold his entire body of work and got about enough money to buy a soda and a couple of chairs."

"Look! There it is, the actual one." Amy said as she pulled the Doctor and Wendy towards a painting.

"Yes. You can almost feel his hand painting it right in front of you. Carving the colours into shapes..." The Doctor trailed off. Wendy looked closely at the painting and said "Is that supposed to be there?" While pointing at a weird creature in the window of the church.

Amy looked at the painting and asked "Is that a face?"

The Doctor responded with "Yes. And not a nice face at all. I know evil when I see it and I see it in that window."

The Doctor walked over to the guide, while Wendy still observed the painting. "It doesn't look that evil. You only know what Van Gogh was seeing." She whispered to herself. A few minutes after the Doctor had walked off, he walked up to her and grabbed her hand while saying "We are going to meet Vincent Van Gogh."

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The Doctor had set the TARDIS on course to 1890 Auvers-sur-Oise to meet Van Gogh and stop the creature in the window. The trio exited the TARDIS and the Doctor said "Right, so here's the plan. We find Vincent and he leads us straight to the church and our nasty friend."

"Easy-peasy." Amy said.

"Well, no. I suspect nothing will be easy with Mr Van Gogh. Now, he'll probably be in the local cafe - sort of orangey light, chairs and tables outside." The Doctor told her.

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