Blessed (Edited)

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Editing complete.

My friends were limp on the floor, there was nothing I could do to save them. Their bodies barely moving, the only indication that they were alive was the slight rise and fall in their chests as they took small breaths.

Gaia stood over their near lifeless bodies and held a spear to their stomachs. A sneer was evident on her face as she glared at me with her ivy green eyes of swirling envy. I struggled to gain back control over my body as she lowered the tip closer to the body of my friend Leo. This was my worst nightmare, I was helpless. Useless.

"I know what you're thinking Jackson," she chuckled darkly, her pearly white teeth showing under her blossom pink lips,"just a little step and you could kill me, but that won't happen, because I'm an immortal Giantess. You can't kill me." She held her long Earth spear and plunged it deep into Leo's chest, directly to the heart, a fatal wound. Anger swelled up in my chest, bubbling as I clenched my teeth in an attempt to stop myself from screaming curse words, but I couldn't help myself, I had to scream, I had to vent. And who better than the Dirt face.

"NO," I cried,"I swear I will kill you." Struggling uselessly, I fought against the bonds that held me against the wall.

She slowly waltzed over to Annabeth's motionless body and dropped the spear on her stomach. Gaia made an oops sound and put her hands onto her chest, acting as though she was sorry. The one person that I would die for was dead. Murdered. All because I couldn't move. I opened my mouth to scream, but I was way too mad to produce a scream, or maybe she removed my voice - I was to traumatised to tell. One by one Gaia moved through all my friends and killed them with her spear. Her black deadly spear that was covered in gorgons poisonous blood. 

"NO, Gaia I swear to the Gods, when I get hold of you, you're gonna wish you never MESSED WITH ME!" I felt tears of anger fall down my cheeks as I screamed at her, furiously struggling to get free.

The Earth Goddess walked up to me and shook her head whilst laughing madly. Her eyes had the sparkle of vexation. She strolled through blood of my friends, not caring that her earth brown robe was soaked - she probably loved it. "Now it is your turn Perseus Jackson,"she screamed with rage, the spear was stabbed into my guts as I screamed out in unimaginable agony and absolute horror.

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now