Train ride of hell

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"Come on Percy," Harry said as he shook my shoulder. He started to make his way to the train as I walked to catch up with him. A few Hogwarts students would wave at him and smile, and he'd politely return them, before looking at the ground with an unidentifiable expression to most people plastered on his face. If I didn't know any better, i'd say he has survivors guilt, something that Apollo had diagnosed me with once they'd given all demigods check overs to make sure we were coping with the losses. The death count for that battle is too high, hunters were practically obliterated to the point were only the older and more skilled hunters managed to pull through. The Amazons and Lady Hylla have gone into hiding, the losses they indured was devastating, worse than any of the camps. Only fewer than fifty had survived out of the couple hundred they'd brought along. And then there was Camp half blood and Camp Jupiter, the young ones were the first to be killed, only angering us and motivating us to do further damage to the enemy. And then one by one the more skilled warriors were taken, until it was the head counselors and the seven along with some highly skilled demigods left, slowly getting picked off. I shook my head as flashbacks began to invade my mind, 

"So how long is the trip exactly," I questioned him, distracting myself from my own mind. Me and long journeys don't go well. I end up kicking or punching anything in sight. I gave Frank a bruised shoulder once when we were on a car to some restaurant for food. He thought for a bit and asked Hermione he almost immediately answered, fluttering her eyelashes at me.

"About eight hours at most," she said casually, I stared at her as I started to get on the train, but someone bumped into me and fell on the floor. A  small squeal erupting from their mouth. I quickly dropped back down and turned to see a young girl on the floor, staring up at me.  

"Careful little girl," I said whilst smiling at her," you hurt at all?" Her honey yellow eyes shone with happiness as she gave a small giggle.

"No," she said in a small high pitched voice," thank you for helping me though mister." I then put her on the ground and watched her skip over to her mother and father, a happy family - something I was going to have with Annabeth. I got up and smiled again as I went to get back up on the train. Only, the train had started moving.


I sprinted to catch up with the door that Harry had his hand sticking out of. I kept running faster until I decided to turn into an eagle, try and test out my powers. I mean I hadn't tried it before, and now seemed like a perfect opportunity. I reached deep inside willed myself to have wings, a bone crushing pain ran through my body and I felt myself go up in the air and suddenly felt lighter than before. It felt weird, I was used to feeling heavier, and bigger. I scrunched my eyes shut as the pain slowly subsided. I opened my eyes and I could see very far out. Colors I had never seen before were flickering in front of me, It was a very nice view as well, but I needed to get in the train. I tilted my body forwards as I soared into the train door, and turned back to my human form in midair. Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at me like I was a stranger. I smiled a little and went to go find some seats, leaving them looking gob-smacked. Luckily their was still a free room, so we rushed inside and quickly sat down, sighing from boredom already.

"Man," Ron said in shock, his eyes widening as he looked at me with a grin," what ever you did back their was..... awesome." He laughed as Hermione cleared her throat and stared at me.

"Are you an animagus?" She looked at me, her eyes analysing me, kind of like what my beautiful Wisegirl used to do. Now that I think of it she does remind me of Annabeth quite a lot. She's smart, cute in her own way and loves to learn.

"A what?" I asked. My eyebrows furrowed. She giggled a little, smiling at the end.

"You can turn into a specific animal at will, a wolf or a dog for instance,"she looked at me again, and tilted her head, like an owl in a way. I noticed when she said the word 'dog', she looked down, letting a small fracture of sadness show. 

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now