unexpected guest (Edited)

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I walked along the river and remembered the times that me and Annabeth had together. I remembered the underwater kiss, and how are love was sealed then and there. I also remember resurfacing to see the whole of camp having a barbecue and waiting for us to come up. 

I looked In the water at my horrible reflection. I would love to see a teenager with a happy sparkle in his eyes and a mischief maker smile with his girlfriend standing at his side and smiling to. But no. That's too good for a demigod. Instead I saw a war hardened boy that had seen and done horrible things in order to survive. Things that would make a grown man cry. I saw tears trail down my cheeks as I looked into my eyes. Sadness. Broken.

Alone. I was alone.

I heard a small shuffle and snap of twigs behind me as I saw something big and black blur in the trees. I looked closer and steadily waltzed over towards the commotion. A pair of huge yellow eyes stared at me, they weren't dangerous eyes, but soft and friendly instead. A massive black hellhound bounded out the forest and licked my face, knocking me over on my back leaving me breathless.

Mrs O'Leary.

If anyone or should I say anything could cheer me up it was this big friendly hellhound. The special thing about Mrs O'Leary is that she used to be Daedalus's until he gave her to me to look after. Well, Nico kind of adopted her in a way, because I didn't have enough time to look after what with Gaia and things.

I rolled out from under Mrs O'Leary and stood up, brushing th mud and leaves off of me. I gave her a quick scratch around the ear and under the belly as he leg furiously tapped up and down, causing a mini 2.0 earthquake every few seconds.

"Percy," I heard my name being shouted as I stopped stroking the hellhound and took a few steps forward.

'PERCY,' someone shouted again, sounds like ... Clarisse?

'GET HERE YOU PUNK,'yep definitely Clarisse. I lightly jogged over to the source of the voice and saw her outside my cabin as she spotted me and scowled. She stormed towards me and punched my arm  rather hard. 

"Ouch! what was that for Clarisse?" I whined, I could tell a bruise was going to form sooner or later.

"Chiron wants to see you again,"She informed me as she rolled her eyes. I noticed how she wasn't so hostile towards me anymore, neither was her dad. That doesn't mean that I have to stop being annoying and be nice back to her.

"Roll your eyes back any further, and you might just find a brain,"  I walked sauntered away with a smug smile on my face and counted down.

Three. Two. One...

"JACKSON, I WILL SHOVE MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR ARSE YOU'LL BE COUGHING BEFORE YOU FART," I chuckled a little as I walked onto the gravel pathway that led to the entrance. I knocked on the door and waited for Chiron to answer. He goes bonkers if you just walk In without permission, Leo did it once and he couldn't feel his butt for a week. I also did it and ended up in the infirmary. The times we had...

"Percy m'boy,' he said with a cheery voice,"just the person I needed."

Crap, what have I done now?

It's never good when he needs you for something. 

I followed the game's director into his small cosy study. I was beginning to get pretty nervous. When I walked In, I saw this old dude with a seriously long silver beard. He also looked like an old grandpa with a fashion sense that would have been awesome about a million years ago. He smiled at me as I walked in the room and sat down on one of the small comfy corner chairs. He was wearing a long grey dress that had some silver strings with balls of pure silver coming down the front. He also wore a weird grey hat that you would wear for bedtime.

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now