Alive again

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I felt someone roughly shake me by the shoulder and call my name, the voice sounded high pitched and worried. I slowly opened my eyes, waves of pain crashed through my body like a tsunami. I tried to sit up but I abruptly felt a hand push me back down, and say something, I couldn't hear though because of a loud extremely annoying buzz in my ear. I looked up at the person that was holding me down and saw Hermione, panic shone in her eyes as a couple of tears made there way down her cheeks.

"Oh Percy," she fell to the floor and looked on the verge of mass tear shedding as she hugged me ,"what happened?"

"Green fla-," I was cut of in mid sentence as I threw up something red. Blood? It was thick, and it slowly dribbled down my chin, leaving a warm trail behind. I coughed again, spluttering out more blood, my throat burned as I placed my hand on my chest and struggled to breath. "What's happening to me?" I managed out, my voice was incredibly strained as pain swept through my whole body like a tsunami.

"Percy, stay calm," Hermione cried, placing her hand on my cheek. But it felt odd, cold almost. I groaned as more blood spilled from my mouth like a waterfall. I looked up and knew there was only one person that could possibly save me. Just as my vision darkened, I managed to whisper out a small word.


Apollo POV


My fingers paused, the melody I was playing on the piano stopped. A shiver tumbled down my spine like a spider on its web. It sounded oddly like Percy. But he sounded different, like he was struggling to talk, in pain. I waited to see if he would call again, or if it was just my imagination. I rested my fingers on the key of the piano and played a simple tune, waiting a couple of seconds, before shrugging my shoulders.

I guess thousands of years alone takes it's toll after a while.

But there was still this uneasy feeling in my stomach, like he couldn't call again. I sighed before standing up and walking over to my little desk and brushing my fingers over it. Percy's face came up. 

I know what you're thinking, why is Percy's face on my table. There is an answer. This table allows me to look into any living being in the world, all I need to do is think of them and they will turn up. He looked peaceful at the moment, apart from the blood that covered his chin and chest. I immediately pictured him in my mind and traveled to his position, my heart leapt to my throat. 

I felt my feet come into contact with the ground, causing me to stumble forwards a little as yelped. I looked around, seeing a crowd of teenagers staring up at me with wide mouths. I gulped, hoping Hecate would merciful later. I immediately walked forwards, making my way through the crowd of shocked teenagers, lightly nudging them to the side. Upon reaching the middle, I realized the severity of the situation. A very pale Percy lay on the ground, bright red blood still trickled out from his mouth that was tilted to the side, creating a small puddle on the crimson carpet. His chest was barely moving.

 "Stand back," I ordered, spreading out my arms. Even the girl that was holding his hand beside him shuffled back a little bit. I fell to the ground and summoned my medical kit, placing my fingers under his neck. His pulse was barely there.

It was getting weaker with every second I wasted.

I dug my hands into my bag and wrenched out a needle, it was attached to a small jar of liquid ambrosia. I grabbed his arm and placed the cold metal onto his arm, before carefully pushing down and injecting him with the heavenly substance. No change. I touched his skin, ignoring the blood and feeling the burning sensation. The ambrosia should have worked.

It always worked

I waved my hands over his body, a golden glow came from my hand as sweat poured down my forehead. He couldn't be dying. It didn't make sense. 

He has years still left. 

My healing spell didn't work. The blood didn't disappear and his skin was still burning. It was like something was blocking me from healing him. I looked down at my hand and shook my head, nervously licking my lips. I didn't understand what was happening. I am the God of healing, I can heal everything. So why wasn't it working. An ear piercing scream snapped me from my thoughts as I looked up to the source of the noise. 

A girl with long ginger hair was pointing at the sofa.

I immediately leapt up from the ground, leaving Percy and rushed over to see the problem. There was a boy, lying down with his eyes closed, completely pale like Percy. His black hair was stuck to his skin with sweat, and he was breathing heavily, like he was stuck in a nightmare. 

"Harry," The girl shouted, collapsing by his side and roughly shaking his shoulders, but he didn't stir. "Wake up!"

I looked back over to Percy who had paled even more, sweating profusely, much like this Harry boy. Maybe this was why I couldn't heal Percy. Maybe Harry had to do it. I was definitely going out on a limb here, but something told me to wake this boy up. Something whispered that he was Percy's savior. 

I walked up to the boy and waved my hand over him, closing my eyes for concentration. He seemed to be in a sleeping trap. It was a popular but weak curse in the ancient Greek times caused by weak demigods and minor gods. How in the Hades has it managed to get to this Harry boy. Maybe I could investigate later...

I accessed the part that controlled his dreams and removed the curse rather quickly, absorbing into me so my blood could dissolve the curse. It was a rather a simple process. My eyes opened when I heard him jump awake with a strangled cry.

"Percy! I need to see Percy," He gasped, falling off of the sofa. I looked down at him with shock, reaching down and pulling him up from the ground. "The dream... Percy was dead. And I-i touched him, his shoulder. He... he started to breath again, and then someone said Percy was dead right now, and that I needed to touch him. Where is he?" He looked around crazily, his eyes wild as sweat continued to pour down his face. His eyes landed on Percy's body. "There," He stumbled over.

"Woah, woah." I began, rushing after, for all I know he could be in a delirious state. "Are you sure? How many fingers am I holding up."

"Enough to the point where it will be painful when I shove them up your arse, now move!" He shouted, shoving past me and falling to the ground next to Percy, his hand hovered over his shoulder. I looked down at him wide eyed, my pride had been hit. A mere mortal threatening me. If he wasn't the key to saving Percy i'd strike him down without a moments hesitation. "Please. Please wake up."

He gently placed his hand on Percy's shoulder. I expected nothing to happen, I expected Percy to take his final breath.

But that didn't happen.

A bright blinding white light caused me too look away as soon as they made contact. The light burned my eyes, water poured from my eyelids. All of the teenagers cried out, screaming from the sudden light. I was about to place a protective light shield around Harry and Percy, to contain the light, but it stopped before I could.

I slowly uncovered my eyes, smiling a little as I did. 

Percy and Harry both lay on the ground. Breathing. Clean.


So sorry for the long wait, year 11 sucks. I have way to much homework it's unreal. BUT ANYWHO, how was it?

Did you like it?

I'm changing it a little.

Plus, follow me on instagram (Got it like five days ago sooo....) = mo11y_may_burche11

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