Trusting Percy (Editted)

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Harry POV

A demigod? I have to say i'm not actually that surprised. I've always thought that maybe there were other things form wizards and witches - and just like us, demigods and Gods have been hiding in plain sight.

I stood up from my seat and looked at Percy in awe and admiration, but also with fear. He's had to kill people, something I've done as well, but for some reason I feel like he's done a lot more of it. And when he said he was here to help against something we might not know yet? That just worries me. We've just ended a war and i'm rather reluctant to enter another one. 

"Well," I cleared my throat with a small cough, feeling rather childish," um, when I was younger my parents were killed by an evil wizard called Voldemort, probably the darkest of all wizards." I'd figured that the best place to start was at the very beginning. I went into all the detail of every single year, I even told him how Sirius, my last member of family, had died right before my eyes. As I got closer and closer towards the end, the atmosphere dimmed like a suffocated candle, everyone was silent. "And then I killed him," I looked at Percy who had been stroking Crookshank for the whole time. The cat purred and rubbed its head against his hand. No one spoke for a couple minutes, everybody was silently mourning for their loved ones. 

Hermione spoke up, breaking the silence, "But if Voldemort is dead, then why are you protecting us. There is nothing to do us harm out there."

"There is always going to be something out there that wants to do you harm," Percy's eyes slowly lifted to look at Mrs Weasley who nodded her head. He looked down at the floor again, before taking another deep breath, "Voldemort has come back," he looked around as we all gasped in shock and horror, I felt my heart skip several beats. He can't be back. I killed him. I watched him die. My breathing started to speed up as he continued to talk, "He is still weak, but when he is at full strength he will have more power than before, because he is a primordial god now. An ancient force that is almost unstoppable. Almost. So I have to protect you from him and Ancient Greek monsters that could attack you at any given moment. You need to trust me," it was as if he said right on time because after he said that their was an explosion followed by the horrifying loud scream and shout for Percy outside.

"PERCY JACKSON,' it screeched again,' COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE." Everybody froze, looking at Percy as his head snapped towards the door leading outside. 

"Gorgon," he cried out as he leapt out his chair, pulling a pen from his pocket and dashing to the front door," stay inside where you are safe." But I have been known to not listen, I dashed out not far behind him and almost froze with fear.

A tall snake lady towered over Percy, but he seemed to not be too fazed. Her face was deathly beautiful, if she had her mouth full of sharp teeth with a yellowish tinge and forked tongue she would seem like a goddess. Her eyes seemed to glow with a green venom full of vexation for all living things, she blinked once before hissing at Percy. Snakes thrashed around on her head, tangling themselves and hissing like their master, all the snakes were focusing in on everyone, including me. She wore elaborate shining gold armor that covered her top half, leaving her massive serpent like tail to fend for itself, though it seemed to be a hardened shell that no weapon could penetrate. 

Percy gave small battle cry before running up to the monster and began to fight, leaving multiple cuts and scratches all over her arms and waist. The gorgon slashed at his head with her long sharp tipped nails, but he dodged and leapt back with inhuman speed. He jumped forwards with a sort of hellish ferocity, letting a small growl erupt from his lips, and I swear I saw his face morph into a silver wolf for a split second. He slashed everywhere, striking all her weak links. He seemed so focused that he didn't see her hand flying towards him. Her hand batted him aside like he was a simple rag doll. I watched in complete horror as I saw his body go completely limp. I yanked my wand out of my back pocket and started to walk towards the Gorgon, aiming my wand at it; Hermione grabbed my hand.

"Let go," I ordered, attempting to yank my arm away from Hermione's iron like grip, " he needs help, can't you see Hermione."

"Tell me Harry," she said calmly," in what way can we help him. We have no weapons or the skill."

I felt dread enter my chest as I realized she was completely right. All we could do was stand and stare. I glanced over at Percy who had somehow managed to get back onto his feet without the gorgon noticing and started to fight again with newfound strength. He cut of the gorgons left arm, leaving it to scream and grab it's now bleeding arm. It was like watching an angel fight. He was so skilled in the art of sword fighting. As the gorgon cried in pain he managed to use it to his advantage and plunged the sword in its stomach. I expected the gorgon to just fall to the ground and die, but it burst into golden dust. Percy staggered a bit before regaining his balance and walking back over to where we were all standing with respect. He tapped his sword, making it turn back into a simple ball point pen. 

"That is why I have been told to protect you, Voldemort has access to the whole of Tartarus to get monsters. Thankfully he can only summon ones killed within the last couple hundred years, which means the ancient and very dangerous ones are still locked up. For now" He panted, before limping back into the house, leaving us all to stare at him.  

Chapter four complete and I really need some comments on the questions and I need some tips.
Comment if you like and don't comment if you hate.

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