The uniform

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Percy POV

I groggily opened my eyes to see Ron shaking my shoulder lightly as I looked at the clock, 7:30. I rolled onto my back and groaned heavily. It was just to early for this shit. I was only used to waking up around lunch time, and then doing my activities, but seriously, this is too early. (Suck it up, I wake up 6:00, and then attempt sleep at 10:00 but actually fall asleep at like 1:00/2:00)

"Why this early," I whined. It's stupid to wake up at this time.

"So you can shower cause you smell and do your business and get changed," he answered, he was about to walk away, but then he turned around as if he forgot something," you might as well get used to it, cause I ain't waking you up every morning." He then eventually turned around and walked over to his bed, filling his bag with things that he would need for learning. Why he would want to learn, I have no idea. But then he looked up and and frowned.

"You drool in your sleep by the way," The memory of when Annabeth first said that to me entered my mind, her beautiful golden hair bouncing around her face. Even when she was twelve she had stolen my heart. I felt a tear start to appear as Ron looked at me confused.

"Did something happen like that? I'm sorry so Percy, I didn't mean to upset you," He rushed out, but I ignored it.

I stood up as I discovered I had slept in my clothes, and waved Ron off as I walked to the door leading to the common room. I have to admit I was upset, and I know he didn't mean it, but I just needed to go to the lake. Hermione saw me walking towards the exit and rushed over to me. She was about to say something but I intervened. "Not now Hermione, really not in the mood," I walked past her and went through the exit to the hallway. I walked past Professor McGonagals office, just as she was walking out. I looked away because I felt tears coming down my face.

"Mr Jackson, are you quite alright,"she asked me with concern,"answer me." I looked at her and hoped to avoid any questions, but that's too good for a demigod. She grabbed my arm and turned me to face her before letting me go.

"What's wrong?" she asked again. raising her eyebrows at my reluctance to answer.

"Nothing," I sighed before turning away and walking down the corridor and down more stairs, the castle was a maze. I remembered a maze that me and Annabeth had gone through, and friends I had lost. 

I hate mazes.

So I walked around the castle which helped me forget why I was upset. I glanced at pictures that watched me walk past them, grinning or turning their noses up at my appearance. I was about to walk outside towards the lake, but was stopped when a horrible noise met my ears. The pink toad was in front of me, her lips painted bright pink with lipstick. She sent me a light glare, too which a returned one making her flinch a little.

This is definitely what I needed right now. Notice the sarcasm.

She looked at me with the same disgustingly yet pleasant smile that she always wore.

"Lucky I bumped into you Mr Jackson," she said through gritted teeth," I have something to give to you, orders from the ministry of magic." She took out her wand and tapped my chest three times before I could break her wand. I closed my eyes at the bright flash that appeared, and when I opened them I was looking at myself wearing the school uniform. I inwardly cursed her like an Apollo kid before giving her a middle finger salute.

"Thanks Professor Dumbridge," I sarcastically spat out as I hastily walked away and went to the great hall for breakfast. I rolled up the sleeves so the white shirt was showing, i kept the shirt tucked but loosened the tie and undid the top button. It's quite funny actually how teachers at school go on about each students being unique, yet they force us too wear the same uniform. Where is the logic. As I walked in to the Great Hall I saw that Ron was looking around for me, along with Hermione and Harry. I sneaked up behind them and waited for them to actually notice me, it took about 5 minutes but Ron finally turned around and jumped a meter in the air.

"Someones a little jumpy today," I laughed as he pulled a funny face at me. I tilted my head,"what."

"You're wearing uniform," he pointed at me and I looked at myself again. I made a few tweaks to it. I tugged on my tie a little before glaring at Dumbridge who was looking over the hall in the corner of the table. I rose my middle finger in the air, clear enough so she could see it. I was not afraid to show my feelings about her. She really was a special case.

"I know, but I changed some bits of it," I groaned and sat down, looking at the others who grabbed some toast and munched on it.

"I think you look good," Hermione said as she started blushing at me. I sent a small smile her way, making her blush even more.

I have that effect on girls.

I grinned as Professor McGonagal walked up and gave us our time tables, but mine was in Greek writing. I was so dyslexic that reading in english was a hopeless task. She then passed me a thirty centimeter length looking parcel, wrapped in brown paper. I took it with a silent thanks, before picking at the sellotape and peeling it off carefully, just in case whatever was in it was delicate. When it was open me and the trio gasped at the sight. It was a gorgeous black wand, intricately carved designs trailed all up after the handle, which was smooth all the way around. It reminded me of Malfoys. Before I broke it of course. "I got... Potions first," Harry said, Ron and Hermione nodded in agreement.

"What have you got," Harry asked. Ron and Hermione both watched me as I read my timetable.

"Umm.... Potions as well,"I replied," is it boring, or exciting." And the response I get was shakes from the head. They looked worried. To be honest I am to, I'll probably end up blowing the school into little pieces. That is one reason why i'm banned from the Hecate cabin. I remember I touched a jar of black liquid, it tipped and went into another jar of blue liquid and then exploded, luckily no one got hurt.

Seriously hurt anyway.

As I finished my small slice of toast that Hermione and Harry forced me to eat they showed me the way down to the dungeons.

I had a terrible feeling about a bad feeling about this.

Oh my god.

My science teacher never marks my test.
I'm dying. I need results.
Anyways, I've started to get writers block and I was wondering whether anyone could give me some ideas.

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