revealing (Edited)

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"This way Percy," Mrs weasley said, small flaps from her apron trailed behind her as she incredibly fast down a corridor," you need to meet the family and then we can all sit down and have a nice talk. Dumbledore said before you got here that you'd be telling us about why he chose you to help and... what you are?""

"Sure," I wandered along behind her as she led me through a doorway that looked on the verge of collapsing, full of pictures of different ginger haired kids with freckles, and even a black haired kid with green eyes like mine, but his eyes were more emerald than sea green. The frames on the pictures also looked battered and used, the glass to cover the pictures was dusty and a little cracked. She kept on looking back at me and smiling, before leading me into a medium sized room. I saw three more of the Weaslys sitting down, I could tell due to the hair colour, the eye colours and the splash of freckles looking like paint on paper. One of them was a girl younger than the rest, and a boy that had jet black hair like mine and green eyes, but not sea green,more emerald green instead, another girl with light wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes with brown streaks sat next to them - I couldn't help but stop a little as I saw the resemblance between her and Annabeth. I looked around the room, taking in the homey feel. Everything was a sort of old bright colour, like it used to be vibrant but got worn down from years of usage. I awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, the conversations died down as they glanced at me.


One of the boys with the ginger hair sitting next to the clock was the first to talk. "Who are you," he asked, looking me up and down. His face look confused as he looked at the mini me next to him. "Bloody hell 'Arry, he looks like you."

"Ronald, that is rude," the girl with the light brown hair slapped him hard on the arm," excuse his behavior, he doesn't realize people have feelings," she then looked at him again and sighed, shaking her head a little.

"Well," I said," I'm Percy Jackson." I held my hand out, but they looked at it with suspicion. I retracted my arm slowly, awkwardly looking over to Mrs Weasley who had been smiling the whole time. She gave me a reassuring smile, gesturing for me to continue talking. "Uhh, so your'e wizards huh?" I asked, subconsciously rubbing the back of my neck and giving a lop-sided grin. They all nodded, looking at each other. "That's cool," I awkwardly added on. I'm seriously not a people person.

Then Mrs Weasley spoke up, "He is new to the wizard world, so tell him your names and then he will tell us all about why he is here and what he is." She used her hands a lot whilst she talked. I sat down on a small wooden stool and looked at the others.

"I'm Ron," said the one that got slapped on the arm," and that's Hermione," he said pointing to the girl with light brown hair. She waved and smiled hugely with a bright red face  before looking at another ginger boy. The next person to stand up was a tall ginger man wearing a striped purple suit and held out his hand.

"I'm George Weasley, I own a Joke shop in Diagon alley with my twin Fred, he's not here right now because he's working, feel free to come down at any time, nice to meet you Percy," and he shook my hand, he gave me one of those trouble maker grins and sat back down. He reminds me of Leo, as well as Conner and Travis, those brothers are always pranking me.

I smiled at him just to be polite.

Then it was the ginger girl that stood up next, she had very long straight velvety hair and gave me a genuine smile."I'm Ginny Weasley, it's nice to meet you Percy," she said as a small blush crept along her freckle splashed cheeks.

"We also have three more brothers. Theirs Percy who works at the ministry and then there's Bill who works at Gringotts, a wizard bank, and then there's Charlie who works in Romania with Dragons." Mrs Weasley said, she gave me a smile as she looked over at the boy with black hair. I rose my eyebrow when he said there was another boy called Percy.

The last boy stood up and shook my hand as well. "Hi," he said casually," I'm Harry Potter." he looked at me, as if expecting me to react and dance around him like a fan girl. And when I didn't, he looked almost relieved. I smiled as he said his name, so this was Harry. He pushed his glasses further up his nose as they began to slip down. I nodded my head as a reply, i'll need to be focused when i'm around him. Mrs Weasley spoke next and looked at me as she talked. I took deep breath and looked at them all, who stared expectantly at me. I gave a nervous grin, thinking of how to give a very watered down version of my life.

"So, does anybody here know of the Greek gods and monsters?" I asked, hoping that someone knew. Only Hermione rose her hand hand and enthusiastically nodded, I smirked a little. Everyone else just stared at me with blank faces, waiting for me to inform them. "Well, you see, they're real. And sometimes, well a lot of the time, they'll go down to Earth and uh... hook up with mortals. My mum did that with my dad who is Poseidon, God of the sea and... other things. Basically, i'm a demi god, half god half mortal. Now, Dumbledore brought me here to help out with some things that i'm not sure if you know about yet. I've been sent to protect you Harry. He thinks i'll be a good asset to the team because of things i've been through and things i've had to do to survive." I looked over at Ron who tilted his head slightly. " If you're wondering what that means, i've had to kill to survive. I've had to kill a lot of people, monsters and i'm not proud of it. I've lost people in the process. I'm not prepared for you guys to go through the same thing."

"So, if you're a demigod, what can you do?" Hermione asked, her eyes oozing with curiosity, she reminded me off Annabeth, and how she used to be like that. 

"I have powers, stronger and faster than a normal human. I can fight with swords, that sort of thing." I answered, watching as they stared at me in awe and a tiny hint of fear. I looked over at Mrs Weasley who looked over at Harry. 

"In order to help us, I think you'll need to know about Harry as well," She said. Harry looked at Mrs Weasley and paled a little. I wonder what had happened to cause him to react this way. He reluctantly looked back at me and nodded his head a little.

And then Harry stood up.

Sorry about how short this chapter is I had a little bit of writer's block so... yeah.
Would love some tips as well by the way.
I need to know who you think should die from these choices.
.Cho Chang ( I think that her name)
.George Weasley
.Draco Malfoy
.Ginny Weasley
.Luna Lovegood

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now