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Hermione POV

I almost fainted looking at Percy in his uniform. He was incredibly hot. His black windswept hair was enough to make me swoon over him, his sea green eyes swirled with amazement and fascination of the wizard world. But they also had a hint of something else, a hint of sorrow and something else that I couldn't quite grasp. It's though he looked at everything like it might not be there in a couple minutes, he looked at us as though he felt sorry for us, like he knew something we didn't. I watched as he walked next too Harry and Ron, they were discussing something about blowing school buses up, and how Percy managed to do it once. But I wasn't really paying attention, I was only listening to his voice, his deep melodious voice.

What the hell am I thinking. I've just met him and I already have crush on him. He's distracting me from my work. All I could think about during Ancient Runes was him. But... I suppose a bit of fun would be good once in while... oh snap out of it Hermione. he's just a boy. Nothing more. Nothing less.

We were on our way to the dungeons when he swished his hair from his face, grinning as he did so. He was one of those dreamy American reject boys. The ones that don't really have a place, they're not a popular or a loner. They're the ones everyone likes, he likes everyone. Well, apart from the odd person here and there, but it's there fault. I looked back over at me and sent me a small smile, too which I returned one, holding the books in my arms tighter too my chest. 

I felt my face flush red as he turned back round.

I hope it didn't show. I didn't want anyone to ask questions. All the girls he walked past looked and stared in amazement. They would go red and murmur in there small friendship groups, giggling to each other. I sent a couple some looks, making my final decision. 

I want this boy.


I will have this boy.

Percy POV

Hermione kept staring at me in a strange way. Every time I turned back to she is she was OK she'd go bright red and smile in a strange way like the girls around me did. Is she Ill? I had heard from Will that when you go bright red your about to be sick. Happened to me before. I looked back at Hermione and grinned, too which she replied with a small smile of her own before blushing bright red again as I turned back to the other two. Anyway, I tugged on my loosened collar and looked at Harry, attempting to loosen it even further. He and Ron were laughing away. I wished I could be like that. Just able too laugh and have fun without much of a care in the world. We turned down a dimly lit corridor that led to stairs. I had a feeling that this Potions lesson wasn't going to end well.

"Umm... are we going the right way?" I questioned. They all nodded there heads, the lights getting darker until we entered a bigger room which led to a large door.

"Of course we are," Hermione answered as she went bright red in the face, which was harder too see since the lights were dimmer, "potions is in the dungeons. That why its so dark. And they figured if anything were to go wrong, it would only ruin the dungeons, which aren't as important as the rest of the school."

As she finished the sentence another deeper voice intervened.

"Not as important, Miss Granger?" A tall man came from the shadows, something Nico frequently did. He had a hooked nose, and almost shoulder length greasy hair making me want too vomit. His eyes held hatred as he looked at the trio, glaring at each of them. "Ten points from Gryffindor." He said, he then turned his attention to me, his lip rising in a snarl.

"You must be Mr Jackson." he hissed out, i'm thinking if the Gorgons were male then Snape would be the visual representation of that.

And I said a smart thing again.

"You must be severus snape," I looked at him with a spark of cheekiness, sending him a lop-sided grin, "their description of you was just right," he looks at me with the those cold hateful eyes, as I stared back at him, my glare not wavering a bit.

"And want was that description," he looked like he was about to explode.

"Oh, ya know... greasy hair, massive crooked nose and a massive backside, bigger than my old step dad Gabe, now that's not something to be proud." I said, wiping my hand a long my face. Don't mess with da king. He scowled as he glared at the class with the same amount of hatred. I walked in and saw the dungeon had been transformed into the classroom. It was awesome actually. Wooden shelves that looked centuries old held rusty jars full with liquids and small objects stuffed into them. It definitely had that sort off death vibe. I followed Harry and his friends to a seat next to them and sat down in front of an old rusty cauldron. Their were pieces of ingredient's all over the place. It was so untidy that Aphrodite's children would much rather roll around in the mud instead of stay here for an hour.

"Today we will be making a potion of a dreamless sleep, open your books and find the page, I will not help you at all in anyway, of you go," and with that we got our books out and started to find the page. It was hard, and it turned out to be on one of the last pages.

Within half an hour my potion looked like it was supposed to. A sea green color with dots of sky blue in their. That reminded me of Jason so much, i had to look away. I stirred some  black gooey stuff into it, turning it into a sort of darker navy blue color. It was going well until I heard grease face starting to shout at another person. I turned around, seeing who the poor, unfortunate soul was.

It was Neville, he cowered under Snapes light glare.

Poor kid. He wasn't magically talented like everyone else. He had magic, he just wasn't the best at wielding it. He belonged in herbology, that was his specialty. I could tell because when he looked at plants, he got the same sparkle the kids of Demeter got. Neville looked like he was about to about to burst into tears as he continued to get shouted at, so I decided to step in from their.

"Why don't you go shout someone else grease face," I spoke out loudly and knew that it was one of the many mistakes I had been destined to make. He turned towards me and looked me in the eye with an acid look, his vexation for me was as clear as a diamond.

"Stop being cheeky, Mr Jackson, no one likes smart alecs," I stared back at him with absolute distaste. I everybody loves smart Alecs.

"And no one likes a teacher who shouts at everyone," I retorted, spitting back at him. That was very true. No one liked Snape at all, he could tell from all the hateful looks everyone but the Slytherins (Who else is in Slytherin. I am. WHOOP WHOOP)give him. But the next thing he said made my eyes widen and my hands turn to fists.

"Imagine what those pesky friends of yours would say when they saw you doing this," he looked at me with an evil stare," shame they got killed in battle though," He sneered, approaching me as the student looked between us with curiosity. I gritted my teeth and quietly seethed. My fists shook as anger consumed me, my cauldron behind me exploded, sending the potion spraying everywhere. But I didn't care, I was glaring daggers at Snape. Then he said something that made me do it.

"You should have died as well," he muttered quietly, making me pause. I felt my lungs stop and my heart discontinue beating.

"I know," I replied. And then I leapt on him. My fist connected with his nose, and I heard a satisfying crack as he cried out in pain, the other students screeching. I drew my fist away and saw him grab his nose, trying to contain the blood that was already gushing down his chin. I sent him a sadistic smirk before walking out, my Hogwarts cloak billowing behind me.

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now