Platform 9 3\4

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Percy POV

After the recent event of last night everyone had suddenly become more wary of me, but they were still all incredibly friendly. But Harry seemed to be a little distracted, sidetracked actually. Sometimes I would even catch him staring at me with a confused facial expression. 

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed until Ron woke me up by pouring freezing cold water on my head. I shot up and spluttered as he dropped the bucket and gave me a cheeky smile. Bad idea mate. "Run," I simply said, his face morphed into one of terror as he sprinted out of the bedroom at top speed. I then saw him literally fly down the stairs with little grace; I then heard a crash and then a scream. I got up immediately thinking we were under attack, but then I heard Mrs Weasley shout.

"Ronald Weasley, what an earth do you think you are doing running around this house."

I silently laughed as I pulled on a short sleeved green top with black skinny jeans and a black jacket. Today I will be travelling to Hogwarts with the Weasleys - a place of wizards and witches. Apparently Hecate has already filled me with knowledge of spells and things that I need to know to survive through the year. I have to be honest, i'm not looking forwards to going to the school but I have people to protect my friends and my friends friends and my friends friends- well you get the picture. I jogged down the stairs to see an older man with ginger hair. Must be their dad. As I reached the bottom step he poked his nose out from the newspaper he was reading and looked at me. "You must be Percy Jackson, ever so good to meet you," he said standing and rushing over to shake my hand. I nodded in response.

"And you are Mr Weasley?" I asked, pointing my finger at him. He also nodded and then watched me sit down when he returned to his seat. He kept on glancing in my direction whilst reading his newspaper with moving pictures and drinking his coffee that came to his mouth without him touching the cup.

"Protect them will you,"he asked, setting his newspaper down and waving at his cup to be still. I nodded my head and gave him a serious look," but don't protect them so much that you lose your life. Plus, we need to talk about your ways of living as a muggle later. Very interesting," I nodded again and wondered of to find Ron.

I need my sweet revenge.

On the way I found Harry talking to Hermione. They were both dressed and eating slices of toasts. They looked and smiled as I walked past. "Hey Harry," I asked," what scares Ron the most?"

"Um.. spiders. Why do you ask," he looked at me with interest as I explained what I was going to do to him. I really was horrible when it came to pranking people.

I walked up Behind Ron as I was carrying a massive hairy black spider in my hands. I quietly plopped it onto his head as George looked over. He almost dropped his cup of tea and choked from laughter. Ron looked at him quizzically and pulled a face. He felt all around his face until his hand landed on the huge spider. Just before he screamed I muttered something in his ear that only he would hear.

"Sweet revenge."

He ran out of the house with his arms banging on his head screaming like a girl as he dropped the spider and stood on it about ten times. When he came back in his face had gone so bright you almost couldn't see his freckles anymore. I managed to hold in a laugh as he threw spider guts at my face. Mrs Weasley then walked into the room and said in a calm voice," everyone get in the car we are about to go to the trains station," we were all still laughing as we went to get in the car. We didn't want to tell Ron he still a spider leg in his head.

One hour later at the train station.

We all rushed through the crowds of the station as we carried the luggage, and when I say we I mean they carried the stuff. Mines all at Hogwarts already, apparently someone went to my cabin at camp-half blood and just took anything useful. We had all managed to fit our things into the car as well as ourselves. They somehow managed to charm the car to have similar properties to the Tardis. Weird. As we walked past the trains I noticed that there was no flashing sign that said it was going to Hogwarts.

So I decided to speak up.

"How are we going to get the train exactly, when there isn't one" I asked as they all stared at me as if I were insane. Which I probably am.

"We go through the barrier 9 3\4 of course," Ron said, brushing his fingers through his hair before feeling the spider leg that was still their. He paled a couple shades before squealing a little and shaking his head like a wet dog would do.

Now look who's insane. We kept walking until we reached a brick wall, an old one at that. I walked forwards up to the barrier slowly and reached out to put my hand up, expecting to touch solid brick. But my hand went straight through. I pulled my hand out, and then put it through again, hearing Hermione giggle a little behind me. Then I stepped through and was transported to a whole new train station, it looked old fashioned and the atmosphere was half content and half heavy with sorrow. I suspect parents had left there children here, unaware that they might never see them again. People wearing strange clothes were hugging their children as they said tearful goodbyes, kissing them and looking at the train fearfully. Steam rose from the black, gold and red Hogwarts train, it all looked really fantasy for a minute, everyone was smiling all happy, but there were also the few individuals that weren't laughing or even smiling, but crying instead.

This battle they all talk about, must have really taken out a chunk of the Hogwarts wizards.

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now