The little kiss

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My eyes gazed over the lake when I heard the bell for lunch go. But I didn't to move. I couldn't. As a son of Poseidon I couldn't help but appreciate how beautiful the sight was. The sun was high in the air, floating with the clouds, the ball of fire made the water glisten and look like diamonds. As for as the eye could see, moors covered in bright purple heather rose high, making it look picture perfect. I could see the occasional sea creature or bird make itself known, and fish swam closer to the surface where I was near. I let loose a content sigh, my hand was still lightly throbbing from the pain, but I loved the pain. I welcomed it.

I heard some movement behind me as my breath caught in my throat.

"Percy," it was a girls voice and very familiar," I've been looking all over for you," I could sense the relief in her voice. And then I realized it was Hermione who was behind me," you need to come and have some lunch."

I looked around and saw Hermione standing a couple meters away from me, her nose tinging red from the cold. I didn't even realise the temperature. It was one of those days were it's sunny but frosty. I let loose a breath, watching as a cloud appeared in front of me. Hermione had her bag strapped onto her back, she looked at me, and I could see the emotions swirling like a whirlpool. Anger. Sorrow. Content. And...Love?

Did... did she like me?

I looked at her, for real this time. She wasn't Annabeth beautiful, but she was daughter of Aphrodite beautiful. Her hazel eyes with flecks of blue and gold flickered around, looking all over me. Her nose was a small button nose, poking out, and her eyebrows were thick but not bushy. She smiled at me, just after lightly biting her lip. I sent her a smile, grinning.

She shyly looked down at her feet, before looking up again.

"I'm coming," I sighed, standing up slowly, I looked out to the horizon one more time before walking up towards Hermione, who stood there blushing a little.

Hermione POV

He looked at me, as I looked at him. His green eyes were a bottomless pit of emotions, full to the brim almost like he wanted to just explode and let it all out. His eyebrows were raised a little, and a small sweet smile graced his lips. If I could just kiss those lips, then my life would be complete. He stilled had a little bit of dried blood on his fist, and it looked a little bruised underneath. He seriously knows how to throw a punch.

He looked up at me and stood slowly.

"I'm coming," As he said that he looked out into the horizon one last time. He put his arm out and looked at me with his dazzling smile.

"Shall we my lady?"' he asked, I must have blushed bright red because he smirked when I lightly placed my hand on his, creating sparks of electricity to travel up my arm. 

He suddenly swivelled me round and I crashed Into his chest. I looked up at him as he looked down at me. He cupped my cheek with his hand and kissed me lightly on the lips. I felt a sudden rush and lightly kissed back. Then he looked at me and smiled a smile that could light up a thousand stars.

That kiss had meant something. To both of us. I think.

Percy POV

I kissed her lightly on her thin lips and felt her kiss back. It felt strange, I was so used to Annabeths that this just felt a little bit... wrong. But Hermione wasn't objecting, so i'll just go with it for now and see how it turns out. Something in my gut warned me that this was a mistake, but I ignored it, there had been multiple times before when the gut feelings had been wrong. I looked down at her and smiled at her like I used to smile at Annabeth. I think Aphrodite's blessing might have worked sooner than expected. Maybe Hermione was just the right person for me.

I led her up the hill towards the castle, my hand intertwined with hers. She had a crazy smile on, her eyes lighting up. "Can we keep this quiet," I asked, turning back to her. I'd rather keep this on the quiet side for now until I was sure this was a good idea," Its just, I really like you, and if you want us to be together... that's fine. I just don't want to say anything yet."

I began to worry that i'd said the wrong thing because just stood there and furrowed her eyebrows, looking up at me. 

"Yes, of course," was what she said, her British accent standing out," we don't need tell anyone yet, and I want us to be together," she looked at me and smiled a brilliant smile," I love you." She said, looking at me expectantly. I paused, confused on how she threw that phrase around like a toy.

I didn't reply, I just gave her a smile and continued walking towards the castle.

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now