Quidditch tryouts

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Percy POV

Once me and Hermione got in the eating hall we let go of each others hands, which was good because they were getting sweaty. I looked out at the four tables and looked back to gryffindor to find Harry and Ron, who were stuffing there faces with sandwiches and fruit. They saw us coming over and waved at us, looking ecstatic to see us. I went to go sit down as I saw Malfoy sniggering on the Slytherin table, showing off his new wand, that looked exactly like his previous one. I had a strange urge to go over there and shove it up where the sun doesn't shine.

I looked away to try and stop myself from braking the other wand, it was so hard. Hermione playfully nudged me in the arm before walking over, allowing me to follow not too far behind her. We reached the part where they were situated and sat down, grabbing a sandwich and eating it. At first it was silent, but it quickly disappeared when they both bombarded us with questions.

"Where were you?"

"What happened?"

"What did he say?"

"Why did you walk out?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but Hermione got their first.

"It isn't any of our business about that part of Percy's life," she said looking at me with a hint of love and admiration," he will probably tell us in his own time. Am I right Percy.' She looked at me and I nodded at her, not really listening but nodding anyway. I will eventually tell them what happened but only when the right time happens, which isn't soon. I could feel something in the back of my mind saying it was a bad idea to say anything more about me.

"Well," spoke Harry, grabbing another sandwich, "At least its Quidditch tryouts today."

I was about to ask what it was, since I had never heard of Quidditch. But then I was stopped by a familiar feminine voice in my head. You have the knowledge. I sent a mental thanks to Hecate before nodding my head. Suddenly all this knowledge flooded into my head about the game, like seekers, chasers, beaters, snitch, hoops and loads more.

"Did you say, tryouts?" I asked, thinking about giving it a go. Zeus had given me permission to be in his domain ever since gaining the ability to turn into a bird.

'Yes,' he replied whilst munching down on the bacon," I'm not doing it this year though, too much work, unless you want to try out and be the seeker." He looked at me with a questioning face. I thought about, chasing a golden ball with wings at first didn't seem that interesting.

"Ginny will tell you all about," he said, I smirked at how he said her name. It was the way I used to say Annabeths. "Ask her what a seeker is and she will tell you, but you have to compete for it now its up for grabs. A lot of people are gonna jump for the place since it's the one that gets a lot of the glory."

I nodded my and agreed, seriously thinking about trying out for it. Quidditch sounds fun.

1 hour later

Me and Ron were on the Quidditch pitch whilst Harry and Hermione were on the sides cheering them on. I was now determined to be seeker. According to the other people going for it, Americans were rubbish. Ron had already gotten the place as a keeper because no one else came to get the job. And typically, five more people came to be a seeker. The first one was Seamus, who was riding a nimbus 2000 the current standard broom for the Gryffindors. He shot up into the sky, expertly twirling as he flew around, gliding in the air like a bird. He glanced everywhere, searching for the snitch, which was behind him. The golden ball was simply floating behind him until someone shouted for him to turn around. I watched as he turned around, making a grab but missing as he shot off too follow the snitch. He took five minutes altogether.

Then it was Dean, who looked for about six minutes and took two minutes to catch it, looking pretty miffed at himself when he landed, walking over to Seamus who was chuckling. Then there were some other people that I didn't know, but they all gave me smug looks when they landed.

I just had to beat a minute and forty five second, I looked over at Ginny who looked at me, before once again releasing the golden ball.

I mounted on my broom as I waited ten seconds for the snitch to get away, watching as the others smirked at me. And then Ginny gave the all clear with her whistle. I flew straight into the air, as I prayed to Zeus to not shoot me down from the sky. I slowly opened my eyes and felt the air rushing all over my face, it was a nice feeling, but I had to get back to the game. I looked around, my trained eyes taking in every single detail of my surroundings, even the golden blur that was floating far below near the bottom, above the cut green grass. I immediately dived, determination evident as I pulled up wen I reached the ground and sped towards the snitch which was either getting slower, or I was getting faster. Within seconds my hand had wrapped around the ball, causing Harry and Hermione to cheer at my success.

I tipped my broom forwards slightly, causing my feet to hit the ground with a light thud. 

Everyone was cheering, Ginny gave me an approving nod before looking down at a clipboard that was in her hands. I heard Hermione before I felt her hands wrap around me. I turned around and grabbed her in a hug, before releasing her and taking a deep breath.

I was Gryffindors new seeker.

Time skip to the middle of the night

I woke up suddenly, my breathing heavy and uneven. I'd just had a nightmare or a demi-god dream, but no recollection of the dream. I looked around the room and steadily regained control of my breathing, noticing one bed was empty. The bed next to me. The covers were pulled back and there were sweat marks all down it. Before I could establish who was missing, I heard a noise. My head whipped to the door, seeing it lightly ajar, a small amount of light penetrated the darkness. And then I remembered who slept next to me.

Harry Potter.

Where's he gone now?

I quickly grabbed my jacket from the small chair beside my bed and slipped it on, silently jumping from my bed and swiftly walking towards the door. I hope it was Harry making those noises. I slowly and quietly crept down the cold stone steps, shivering at the touch. I made a mental note to next time wear shoes, or at least socks. I placed my hand on my pocket, where Riptide was safely waiting for my touch. 

My eyes swept across the room, searching for any signs of movement. A tall figure in a black suit with a green tie caught my vision, pale blond hair was slicked back. His malevolent looking eyes pierced into my sea green ones, they seemed to send out waves of hatred and vexation. Malfoy. 

How did he get into the Gryffindor common room?

I was about to begin questioning him, but he abruptly stepped forwards, his eyes flashed gold. I reacted too late, the eye colour change threw me off. A streak of green barreled into me, sending my flying back into the back of a chair, pain arced up my back and along my spine. He walked towards me as my vision started to fail and whispered into my ear.

"Harry is dead."

And then my eyes closed.

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