Wake up

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Apollo POV

I crouched down next to Percy and grinned, The Savior of Olympus would not be visiting Uncle Hades today. Placing my fingers on his neck, I felt the weak thump of his pulse hitting my skin, indicating he wasn't fully out of the woods, but he was close. I looked over to the other boy and did the same, though his pulse was a lot stronger. I'd need to monitor them for a bit, maybe only for the night unless this place had a medical area - then I could leave them here and only pop by in the morning. 

"Girl, does this place have a medical area?" I asked, looking up to the girl with mousy brown hair. She sniffled a little before wiping the tears away and nodding. 

"We can take them to Madam Pomfrey," she answered, "I can take you, I need to report this to Professor McGonagall anyway."

I nodded my head as a thanks before clicking my fingers, two stretchers appeared under the boys. I heard a couple of gasps behind me, murmuring amongst them there amazement in how i'd done it. I rolled my eyes. If only they knew.

"Lead the way..." I trailed off.

"Hermione. Percy's girlfriend," She replied, looking over at Percy with dreamy eyes. I smirked to myself. My little cousin has been here for a couple days and has already got the girls - probably because he is related to me. Hermione walked over to a whole in the wall and jumped quickly through it, with me following not to far behind. "Will they be OK?"

"Harry will be fine by the morning. However, Percy just came back from the dead so there's no telling what can happen. I shall leave him under the care of Madam Pomfrey for the night and come back in the morning," I answered. We walked through the building that seemed to have many corners in silence after that. The odd ghost would fly past, before seeing me and flying at high speeds away. One teacher in bright pink clothing saw the two stretchers and scoffed, rolling her eyes a little.

We reached the medical area not long after that and entered and empty room. Hospital beds had been neatly lined up on either side of the room, freshly made and probably very clean and germ free. Each bed had a bedside table and curtain to respect privacy as well as a chest of drawers at the end. The rusty glass windows were large and stretched up the side of the light brown stone walls, giving full view of my sisters domain. I briskly waked over to the nearest two beds and rolled the sheets back before placing them both down. Carefully, I placed the blankets back on top of Harry before turning to Percy. 

"What on Earth happened here, Merlins Beard," A high pitched voice screeched. I turned around and came face to face with a red faced woman in an old fashioned Nurse dress. "And who in Godrics name are you!"

"Who I am is none of your concern, but what you need to do is," I replied, before placing my hand over Percy's head. "Harry is fine, all he needs to do is rest. But you must keep a constant eye on Percy Jackson. If he dies because you were distracted then some high up people will not be happy. Including myself." 

She looked at me speechless for a minute before grabbing a stick from her dress pocket and waving it around. A chair flew out from a room nearby with a book floating close behind and a bottle of green liquid. "I guess I have to agree then."

"Yes." I spoke. I looked over at Hermione who sat by both of there sides, holding both of their hands. "I must be going now. I was in the middle of creating a new melody when Percy decided to go and die on me. Idiot." I hissed, but laughed at the end to show I was only joking. I nodded my head at both of them before walking out of the room to flash away - i'm pretty sure Percy wont be able to deal with the questions. I looked back one last time to see the boys on the beds and the girls fussing around them, only to smile and walk around the corner. 

***Flashback To next morning (still Apollo POV)***

I yawned, having stayed up all night to keep a remote eye on Percy. As soon as i'd gotten back to my palace i'd gotten my chair and sat in front of my table, a plate of ambrosia and a bottle of nectar by my side. Well, empty plate and empty bottle now but you get the picture. Currently it was the morning in England, meaning I was due soon to go back and check up on Percy.

Standing up from my chair I stretched and yawned again before clicking my fingers and changing my robes to something more modern. Apparently that was a checkered button up top and a pair of skinny jeans with timberland boots but hey, who's complaining. 

I looked... quiet good anyway.

Just before flashing back to England I glanced at the table one more time, getting a full view of the room. A couple of people were crowded around both of the beds, concern clearly evident on there faces as they placed all sorts of gifts at the end of the tables. Most of them were ginger.

Sorry it's short, I've changed it a little bit.

Plus, I have a new fan fiction up. If you like Pertamis and Guardian of the hunt then you should give it a try, you might like it. Updates will be a little bit slow but i'll update when I can. The fanfic is called 'Guardian of the hunt.' I know, so original.

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