The sorting

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I was woken up by Hermione shaking my shoulders as we pulled into the station. My eyesight was a little fuzzy, but it started to come in focus after some blinking. Hermione was pointing her wand at me for some unknown reason and she had a worried look in her eyes. I tried to move my arms but they were tied behind my back with rope. Were they got that from I do not know. Hermione started hyperventilating as she put her wand down and tried to talk.

"We.. umm. We... had to restrain... you from... doing any harm to Malfoy. As much as we would love for you to hurt him, we didn't want you expelled. You also hit your head pretty hard, which knocked you out. We are so sorry," she looked down at the floor, suddenly very interested in her feet. I gave a small smirk, looking at the three with amused expressions.

"It's OK," I tried to persuade her, "it was me that caused it all, I caused you to do whatever you did to me. I take full blame and responsibility." I burnt the ropes that were holding my hands and slowly got up, rubbing where I had hit my head. "I've had worse anyway. Trying having a guy twice your size jump on you and knock you out. Not fun."

"Let's go," Harry said," Train will be leaving in a couple of minutes, and we don't want to still be on it." He helped me the rest of the way up of the ground and walked out of the room.

We all followed Harry out as I saw Malfoy grinning at me. Does this guy have a death wish. He pulled out his wand and 'pretended' to shot the spell at one of his friends. He's a dead man walking. I stormed over there without Harry, Ron or Hermione noticing my disappearance, but Malfoy did. He held his wand to me again but I still walked forwards and snatched it from him. I broke his wand into four pieces and dropped it at his feet. "Don't try to mess with me," as I said that, I pointed at his broken wand," it never ends well." I snarled into his ear. Then I also punched him on the nose ,"Dick." And with that I walked off leaving the stunned not so glorious Malfoy behind, staring at his ruined wand. Harry and Ron were looking at me like I had just given them both chocolate, but Hermione on the other hand, well let's just say she was not impressed. We walked up to the carriages that were big and black with intricate carvings on the sides as decoration. They also had these beautiful looking horses attached to them. They were pale, and looked as thought the skin was rough, but nevertheless they were gorgeous. I stared at them as they bowed at me. Walking over to it, I placed my hand on its neck and stroked it's neck, careful not to scare it.

"You see the Thestrals then," Harry asked," Almost everyone sees them now, we have all seen death." He sadly glanced at the horses and gave it a small fuss behind the ear ,"We lost so many great people that day, and now he's back." And then he climbed onto the carriage before everyone else. 

"Harry, remember, no one is permitted to know," I said, he nodded his head.

I then climbed onto the carriage as Ron and Hermione followed from behind. It was sad. To see the horses. To know that they have all also seen death. The ride to the castle was very quiet as we kept our thoughts to ourselves. This year was an ordinary year for first years. But for the students that were re-doing their last year, it was like facing their worst nightmare again. As we got off the carriages, an old woman in an emerald green cloak walked forwards and looked at me with interest. She also wore a matching hat that went well with her crooked nose.

"You must be Mr Jackson," pleasure to meet you," she beckoned for me to follow her up the stairs, her accent intrigued me." this way young man. We will get you sorted after the first years. You will be known as an American exchange student to those who don't know your true identity."

"So, the teachers know everything?" I asked, giving her an uneasy look. She nodded her head carefully, as if it might fall off if she shook it too much. She gave me a tight lipped mile.

"According to Dumbledore, we have been given a very watered down version of your past. Only he knows the true horrors you have faced." She said, being careful to not let any first years over hear. I let loose a breath I was holding and felt glad they didn't know the full truth.

"Umm," I cleared my throat before talking,"back in the train Malfoy might already have a head start on figuring what I am out."

She stopped and looked around at me, her stern expression somehow impossibly sterner. "And why might that be Perseus Jackson,' she looked at me with caution this time, making flinch as she said my full name. The Earth Bitch said that just before she... before she killed my beautiful Annabeth.

"Just Percy, please," I looked at the professor, biting my lip a little" We managed to get into a fight, and he umm shot at me with... got me with that knocking out spell... and I umm... didn't get knocked out, which Hermione said always happens."

She looked at me as though I was some spectacle in a cage.

"Is that so," she managed, before continuing to walk at a brisk pace. She was fast for an old woman, "Demigods tend to be less... affected by our magic. So a lot of it won't affect you as much." So I can piss a lot of people off and not worry about getting jinxed. She started to walk quickly again as I jogged to catch up. Suddenly she stopped outside these big oak doors were all the younger students stopped as well. She told all the first years about what would happen and how it would work and were the tables were.

"Mr Jackson, I want you to wait here until you hear Dumbledore call your name, is that understood," she looked at me as I nodded and gestured for the first years to follow her through the doors. When the doors shut I was alone. I hated being alone now. The quiet scared me, it made me think bad things that one should never think about. I knew that if Annabeth was here she would be commenting on the architecture every two minutes, and I would be telling her to shut up. I felt a tear make its way down my cheek as I quickly wiped it of. I still really miss her, she will always be remembered. I twisted the small bead on my necklace from our first adventure, The Lightning Thief.

I heard Dumbledore speaking loudly from the great hall.

"-the first years sorted I would like to introduce an American student that is starting today. Perseus Jackson." The next person that calls me Perseus will get a punch in the face, and I don't care who it is. The massive oak doors opened as I walked down the gap in between the for tables. They all had different colors one was green, another was red. Then their was yellow and blue as well. As I walked closer I saw that there was a massive staff table with the head and witch lady standing in front. I bowed to Dumbledore as I reached the table and looked at the woman.

"Perseus Jackson," I gave her a death stare, since I don't want to punch a woman ,"please sit on the stool and I will place this hat on your head and it will decide which house you are join."

She dropped the hat on my head and nothing happened. Until I felt it move.

'Ahhh I know your kind,
You would help an old man blind,
You never want power,
And you never turned sour,
You're always blind yet smart,
You filled the missing part,
You were always very brave,
You were always there to save,
I don't want to keep you any more,
So better be GRYFFINDOR!

Sorry I am terrible at rhyming things and endings. But I will be putting on chapters quite quickly sooo keep reading and don't forget those answers to the question. 

I've also edited this, listening to pierce the veil king for a day. Amazing band, you should listen to them. And Panic at the disco. And all time low. If you do already, brilliant you're awesome....

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now