Common room

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Ron's POV

"GRYFFINDOR," It only took ten seconds, but we were glad Percy was on Gryffindor. The other tables groaned when they didn't get him, I smirked liking that they were jealous. He yanked the hat of his head and practically threw it at McGonagall before walking calmly towards me, Harry and Hermione sending us one of his smiles. We all groaned out loud as he suddenly stopped and swirled around at an all too familiar sound of the pink toad. If your wondering what she's doing back, let's just say that the Ministry went up in shit storm after the battle. They decided to send her back with a pardon from her previous stay here. At least Dumbledore was still here though, so she couldn't kick anyone out or do any illegal things to us.

"Ahem ahem," she coughed.

Percy gave her a small glance up and down and proceeded to talk, he seemed to know here type as he stepped towards her," Do you need a cough sweet? I mean I don't have any on me, but maybe they sell some in Hogsmeade." he then turned back to us after she shook her head rather violently.

She gave him a small scowl before, making that horrible sound of her talking,"Mr Jackson, why are you not in the school uniform, we have a dress code that you should have discovered by now" she asked with a disgustingly pleasant smile, he nostrils seemed to have a grown a little. He turned and looked at Umbridge and smiled. But it wasn't any old kind smile, it was a mischievous grin, only the pranksters of all pranksters could pull off. 

"At my school we get to wear whatever we want and... and i'd prefer not to wear clothes that make people associate me with you," he grimaced as he turned once again to come and sit down. The whole hall erupted into laughter.

Professor Umbridge's face fumed with anger and turned bright red. She huffed," I will not tolerate that cheekiness Mr Jackson," she pointed her fat finger at his chest," you will come to my office for detention for the next month and you will be their." He rolled his sea green eyes that flashed with annoyance before swivelling back round on his feet.

He shook his head and looked at her eyes that were full of hatred, he gave her another smile, but this one was slightly scary," I'm sorry but I won't be their, because I have better things to do such as...sleeping.' His eyes turned into an angry fire as he sat down next to me."Do continue Dumbledore, I'm sorry for the rudeness that toad caused, she just needed a taste of her own medicine." Wow this kid is something else. No one insults Umbridge and comes out unscathed. I watched as Dumbledore gave slight nod to Percy, watching him find a seat next too Hermione who blushed furiously. A pang of sadness bloomed in my chest as I watched her go gooey eyed all over him. She's mine.

"Let the feast begin," he stated, he was also chuckling, the teachers behind him sniggering. He raised his hands and food turned up on gold platters. I smiled and I started to grab the hot chicken legs and onion gravy as I noticed Percy just looking at the food. I turned to Hermione and Harry, who had also noticed.

"Percy eat,"Hermione ordered him, when she orders something its best you just do it.

I know from experience. Shuddering, I took a mouthful of chicken and swallowed with minimal chewing.

But Percy shook his head, and stared at the floor. He had been acting strangely lately, he got angered very easily and he got sad very easily. And he eats barely anything. I've only known him for about two days, but something is wrong. What he told us was watered down , we could all tell, "I know that it's hard to get over what you've been through, but I'm sure the people you've lost wouldn't you to be starving yourself," something Hermione said had done something to Percy, because then he grabbed a chicken leg and chewed at it slowly, nibbling on the white meat. Throughout the feast Percy started to eat more and more until he had eaten a full platter of chicken legs. And let out a massive burp. We all laughed as he laughed as well, rubbing his stomach. But then he stopped laughing and just smiled, a nostalgic look gracing his face.

Then the food disappeared just as I was grabbing more chocolate covered strawberries, and Dumbledore stood up again. Just five more minutes. That's all I wanted.

"Everyone can leave and go back to their dormitories now and get a nights rest, for tomorrow, the school days begin,"he waved his hand again and all the teachers followed him through a small oak door down the side next  to the teachers table. I saw Percy get up and look over to us as Hermione told him to follow her, Harry and me. We walked down the corridors and up the stairs, but we forgot to mention that they move. And that the pictures liked to talk a lot. Percy walked up the stairs following behind us, just as the stairs moved in the general direction. He yelped before gripping the side and paling a little, Percy looked like he had a heart attack. And it was hilarious.

He was still amazed when we got to our common room, muttering things about a girl called Annabeth and how she would have loved to see it.

"I have seen many things in my life that were weird, but that," he points his finger to the common room door, the lady stared at him with disgust and turned away, muttering something about 'bloody demi-gods, "that beats all I have seen." He looked around the common room as all the girls in our year were standing in the corner staring at him whilst blushing a violent red. He noticed and waved his hand slowly at them as if they were aliens. One of the girls literally fainted with excitement. He turned back to look towards us as he bumped into another boy in our year. "I'm sorry," Percy said apologetically.

"No problem," he said holding out a hand," i'm Seamus by the way, and I gotta say, what you did back there with the pink toad, was awesome." Percy shook his hand and smiled at him.

I noticed Harry standing next to me with a face of curiosity, not good. "What's wrong," I asked, but then I realized" you don't like him do you. He's not all that bad."

He sighed a deep sigh and looked at me straight in the eyes. "It's not that I don't like him," he shrugged his shoulders and stared at Percy again," it's just... well... I'm wondering how he's not insane. If what he told us was watered down then imagine what he's really done. And it doesn't help that He is back." He answered, licking his lip nervously before biting it. I noticed he was doing that a lot since we got here. 

I stared at Harry and then back at Percy.

"Well, I trust him," I looked at Percy who started to walk over to us, with that cool sort of walk the popular people have. "And you should to."

"Where are the dormitories?" he asked," it's getting late and I want to go to bed now, so..."

I gestured for Percy to follow me as I walked up the stairs. Once we got into the room Percy went straight to his bed and crashed down on it. I heard snoring about a minute after, so I followed his lead and went to bed thinking that this will be a night hard to sleep on. But as soon as my head met my pillow, I plunged into a nice dreamless sleep leaving Harry to discover if he trusts Percy or not.

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now