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Percy POV

That night had been dreamless, like a blanket had been laid over me to deflect all visions. It was a nice change.

But waking up was strange, it had been Apollo peering over me and staring deep into my eyes. As soon as I rose an eyebrow he backed away nit he didn't smile, which was very unlike the God of Music. I was going to ask what was wrong until he spoke up. 

"Something's happening Percy," He muttered, sneaking a few glances all around him as if he was trying to be secretive. Frowning, I forced myself into a sitting position in order to hear more. What could be happening? "Something bad. Zeus didn't want me to say anything but I feel that if I don't then something extremely terrible may happen. I've seen it, in my sleep last night. It was horrible."

"Apollo, what was?" I questioned. Now I noticed Apollo looked very shaken up, shivering and sweaty. Fear shone in his eyes as he picked up a chair from the nearest unoccupied bed and placed it next to me, sitting down heavily.

"I don't even know where to start. This...thing was talking to me, this powerful thing. It came from a hole in the wall, a small puddle of water led into it with snake skins littering the ground. And skulls, so many skulls and bones and terrifies me to think of what may have taken place," He started, describing his dream. He began to stare off into the distance, seeming to grow a few years older as a shadow befell his brilliant blue eyes. "It-it said something about revenge on the Olympians and all there offspring, an uprising unmatched by any other previous. It said it would happen soon, in ways we least expect it. Betrayal, heartbreak, death and torture. I tried to get a look at where I was but I was pushed from the dream before I could. I went to Zeus and told him and ordered me to not tell you. The sentence about betrayal, Zeus does not let go of the past."

"Do you know who this creature was?" I questioned, scratching my head. This was serious. Especially serious if even Apollo was acting like an adult. "Any clues at all?"

Apollo closed his eyes, licking his dry lips gently as he searched. But he came up with nothing, shaking his head and breathing deeply.

"I'm scared Percy, I think you should be too," He whispered, scanning for any of the other witches and wizards waking up. "Whatever this is, is going to be big, I can feel it in my bones. You need to be prepared, I feel the fates are calling for you again."

"Surely, if-"

"No more, Zeus is calling for me I must go. Be careful, little cousin. I don't want to be back here anytime soon," He rushed out, reaching forwards and placing one hand on my head, giving my hair a ruffle before flashing away. The fates were calling me again? A big evil? Betrayal, heartbreak and torture? I put my brain to use and tried to put two and two together but nothing seemed to fit. All the possibilities didn't match up. There was no-one that could possibly have the balls or the power to rise up in such a great time of the Olympians power. It would be a death wish. 

I laid back down on the bed, getting comfortable and continuously thinking of scenarios, people and monsters that this could relate too. Could this have something to do with all of the Voldemort having Greek powers business? If it was, then the monster in Apollo's dreams has some serious connections. Whoever this was, was dangerous. They shouldn't be messed with.

"Percy, morning medicine," Madame Pomfrey piped up, seeming to materialise out of thin air. She held up the same bottle from the night before and a clean spoon. I grimaced, all thoughts of the dreams floating away. "Mouth open."

"Do I have to?" I questioned. She nodded, shoving the spoon down my throat before I even had a chance to react. I gagged a little, coughing and groaning at the revolting taste. It truly was dreadful.

"Oh, stop your whining Mr Jackson," She scoffed, before dumping the bottle and the spoon on the bed side table. "That was the last spoonful. You're free to leave and return back to your dorms. But no, and I mean absolutely no, strenuous exercise for the next two weeks. You're still healing and I don't want to see you for at least a month." She quickly waddled away, leaving me to grin too myself. That was, until Hermione came into the room, spotting me almost immediately and grinning. I bit my lip, noticing how instead of feeling happy she was there, my mood dampened a little. 

"Percy!" She forcefully whispered, skipping over with her hands behind her back. Her gryffindor tie swayed about as she stopped by the side of my bed, smiling widely. "Want to go for a walk?"

"Sure, why not," I muttered, already yanking my covers off and moving my legs over the side of the bed. "I'm allowed to leave now anyway. Down by the river?"

"Of course," She grinned out, stroking a stray strand of her mousy brown hair behind her petite ear. I smiled back, but I didn't really mean it. I didn't want it to be Hermione standing there.

I wanted it to be Annabeth.

Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now