Chapter 6 : And So A Friendship is Formed

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Morning came and everyone but Y/N was at breakfast. When Thor and Loki walked in they both noticed her absence but sat at the table anyway.

"Y/N didn't come down with you guys?" Natasha asks as she starts to clear her plate. Loki just looked down not wanting to talk to any of the Avengers. Everyone was eating and then the sound of a circuit shortening could be heard at the end of the table. Everyone looked up to see Tony not breaking focus on something that he was working on.

"Damn." Tony sucks on his finger and looks up to see everyone staring at him. "What?" He then goes back to tinkering with the device he was working on. It was black.

"What are you doing?" Clint asks. Tony doesn't look up as he answers.

"She seems nervous about her powers. So I am trying to make something she can put on if she feels like she is losing control." Tony continues to work after taking a single bite of his full plate.

"I thought training went well yesterday?" Thor asked. "At least that's what she said at dinner."

"It did. But she's nervous about something and it doesn't hurt to have a back up plan to, if anything, ease her anxiety. She kept asking me about the ring Reindeer Games has on. This, though bigger, won't shut her powers out but will help her calm her powers down." The device then breaks and starts to smoke. "Or at least in theory if I can get it to work." Loki looked at his ring and then got lost in thought. He got up from the table and went up to the elevator. He rode it up to their floor and started walking down the hallway passed her door to only freeze when he heard screaming.

"DAMN IT LET HER GO!" Y/N screamed. Out of pure instinct Loki burst through the door after pulling his dagger from his shoe. As he burst through the door she shot up and threw the dagger from under her pillow barely missing Loki. She was hyperventilating and drenched in sweat and tears. She then made eye contact with Loki snapping back to reality. She was still shaking as Loki put his dagger away. He then turned to pull the dagger out of the wall. Y/N watched him as he walked up to her and put the dagger on her nightstand. 

"That seems to be your signature move Little Assassin." He sat on the bed with a small smile. She was very hesitant and scooted away from him. She hated the fact that anyone was seeing her like this. She took a couple deep breaths before finally returning her face to look sternly at Loki.

"Why do you call me that?" Her voice cracked a little as she spoke getting a snicker from Loki.

"Why do you want Stark to make you something to help control your powers?" Loki's rebuttal made her clench her jaw. She looked to the side before getting out of bed.

"You shouldn't ask questions that you really don't want the answer to." She says coldly fighting her tears back. She goes to her closet and lays out her training gear. "Now if you don't mind, leave so I can get ready for today's training." Loki said nothing and simply left shutting the door. Y/N then sat on the floor bringing her knees to her chest, sobbing silently. 

"I haven't had that one in forever." She whispered in between sobs. She then got into the shower to rinse off the sweat and got ready for the day. She walked to elevator to get to the others for breakfast. Everyone was pretty much done and talking with each other, except for Loki who was still missing. She looks up to see Tony at the end of the table tinkering with something and he had barely touched his breakfast.

"Lady Y/N!" Thor cheered. She still crinkled her nose at being called 'lady'. Tony didn't look up. 

"How long has he been like that?" She asks pointing to Tony.

"All morning. He said that since you are nervous about your powers that it is good to have a back up plan to calm your anxiety." Natasha said. She couldn't help but smile.

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