Chapter 55 - And So Onward To Home

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"No." Y/N said firmly.

"Witch Hunter hear me out." Tony started.

"I said no. I want to go home and be with my daughter and husband to be." Y/N said as she was still sitting down and braiding Mauria's hair. "Besides, Mauria has been on this ship long enough."

"Yeah and where do you think Thanos is going to go when he finds out that Squidward failed?" Tony shouted. Y/N tied Mauria's now perfectly braided hair and smiled at her.

"Mauria do you remember where the kitchen is on here?" Mauria turned to her and nodded. "Go with Peter and get something to eat. You must be hungry." Peter held out his hand to the girl and left with her. Y/N looked at Strange's cape who flew after them. Loki helped Y/N stand.

"You command my cloak now?" Strange asked.

"Probably because I'm stronger than you." She says with a laugh as she leans on Loki. Y/N's face turns serious as she turns to Tony. "Tony, if we go back to earth and get everybody together we will be able to win. Especially if Strange and Vision use their stones during the battle. Thanos has nobody left on his side except some chitauri, and the two goblins. Why not use home field advantage? Plus I promised Mauria I would get her out of here. She has been in this hell hole long enough!"

"You said that already." Tony pointed out.

"I swear Tin can..." Y/N growled but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Darling..." Y/N looks up at Loki and her eyes widen as he wipes her tears and kisses her forehead. "I think you have been here long enough yourself." Loki turns to Tony and Strange.

"I agree with Y/N and the wizard." Y/N freezes as her eyes go black. She stares out into space.


She is on a destroyed planet and looks around. She sees Strange and remembers her earlier vision. This time there is no baby in his arms and everyone has Thanos pinned. Her, Loki, and Mauria aren't there. The vision continues and she fades into a forested area. She sees herself comforting Wanda as a young woman is working on Vision.

"I have to go Wanda. Don't worry, everything will work out the way it needs to." She sees herself turn to someone, handing them Frigga, not before giving her daughter one last kiss on the forehead. Black smoke surrounds herself, teleporting her to Loki's side. They fight chitauri and see the bifrost touch down before everything faded away.


"Darling?" Loki's voice pulled her out of the vision and she gulped looking at Strange wide eyed. She then turned her attention to Loki and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. Loki held her protectively.

"I need to get off of this ship and out of space. I need to get Mauria out of here too." She looks up at Loki. "Take me home to our daughter?" Loki captured her lips.

"I'm taking her home. And Mauria. Whatever you both decide is up to you. I think Y/N's plan is the best one and I think it wise to heed it." Loki gives Tony a look before leading Y/N in the direction Mauria and Peter went in. Once far enough away, Loki stopped in front of her.

"Loki?" She asked and he immediately broke down. He let the tears he has been holding back fall and pulled her close to him. He held her tightly and sobbed into her shoulder. It broke her heart.

"Don't EVER do something like that again. Do you hear me?" Loki said as he desperately tried to bring her closer to him. "I need you to promise me."

"I promise Loki. I'm so sorry I made you feel this way." She wrapped her arms around him, gripping his shirt tightly. After some time he calmed down and began feathering kisses all over her face. "I love you Loki."

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