Chapter 48: And So It's A...

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Y/N decides to go with Valkyrie to start the revolution much to Loki's protests. She was still upset by him. They had made a plan that the two will meet at the big junker ship with those from the revolution. Y/N had brought it upon herself to include some of the towns people and healers that wanted nothing more than to leave. Once her and Valkyrie dropped off the weapons they went their seperate ways for now. Y/N walked through the town and got many of those she helped from the market. She also got everyone to help stock up on food supplies.

"Y/N are you ok? You look pale." Y/N looked at the shop keeper and smiled, nodding her head as she shivered. Y/N conjured another cloak when one of the healers put her hand on her stomach. She felt less cold and more like herself.

"You need to tell him before it gets worse." The healer said and Y/N shook her head.

"Absolutely not. He still sees himself as a monster. He will blame himself and I won't have that. Our child is mostly regulated and they need more cold today. So that's what they will get. Anything they need my body will provide." They then walk right into the garage of the Grandmaster and meet up with those of the revolution. A being called Korg saved Loki from the tazer and Loki immediately assumed leadership. As the ship finally took off, Loki noticed that one of the healers had been continuously checking on Y/N. Loki pulled the woman aside.

"What is wrong?" Loki said through his teeth. Y/N was humming a lullaby as she rubbed her stomach and stared out of the window.

"The baby is needing more cold. It is not life threatening to her but her lower temperatures are something to watch. She didn't want anyone to say anything but earlier today her complexion was very pale. I do not recommend that she be alone for very long." Loki nodded and the healer took her leave. Loki looked at the woman carrying his child before him. There she was, looking out for him and now their child at her own expense. He didn't understand how she could care for him the way she does. Loki saw her shiver and conjured another blanket. He sat on the couch by the window and pulled her onto his lap, covering them with blanket.

"Th-Thank you Loki." Her teeth were chattering, so Loki put a heating enchantment on the blanket. Y/N sighed in content. Loki began rubbing her stomach.

"Why didn't you just tell me? I knew it was causing a chill but I didn't know you were getting this cold." Y/N sighed and looked out at the stars as they traveled through space.

"I wanna do this right... but I also don't want you getting upset every day the baby needs it to be cold. The baby is half you. And I cannot wait to meet them and hold them and see how much like you they are. I also know that they are going to love you just as much as I love you." Loki kissed her temple as she sniffled. "I don't want you to regret having this child with someone like me and I don't want you thinking that you are a monster anymore. It makes me angry that so much has happened in your life to make you think that." Loki went wide eyed. He had not realized how his actions about the baby making her cold had affected her. She was scared that he was regretting this and that if he thought he himself was a monster what would he feel about the baby.

"Oh darling I'm so sorry..." Loki held her closer. She didn't even realize she started crying. "Of course I don't regret this. I never would! And our child will be half you as well. And I love that! I may think I'm a monster from time to time and I know I will do things that anger you or hurt you even but please never doubt my love for you or our child." Loki held her close and she eventually cried herself to sleep.


She looked around and the same scene of Loki being choked and then dropped flashed before her eyes. Then suddenly she was on a ship she knew all too well and again there was screaming coming from her sell. There she was in the corner screaming with another woman there clearly talking her through something. Y/N then was brought to a planet where she saw none other than Thanos. Everyone was fighting him.

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