Chapter 38: And So They Meet Hela

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"I beg your pardon?" Loki asked wide eyed. Y/N didn't move, part of her was terrified of the answer. She kept staring at the ceiling.

"It's a simple question Loki. Just answer it." She held her breath and tears started to form in her eyes as she waited for an answer in silence. She was about to get up and leave when Loki appeared on top of her and captured her lips.

"You. It will always be you." Loki wiped her tears away and she smiled. "I love you Y/N and until the day comes where I take my last breath I will prove it to you." She wrapped her arms around him as they rolled over. Her face hidden in his chest as he stroked her hair. Loki waived his hand to darken the room and cover them up with the comforter.

"I love you my Little Assassin." Loki kissed the top of her head as they drifted off to sleep.


"What did you do?" Tony was staring at Y/N who had blood on her hands and some splattered on her face. She used her magic to toss him a little black book.

"I got him to tell us where the other HYDRA bases are." The man on the floor whimpered as she stepped over him and walked past Tony. "You got a problem with my methods?"

"Yeah I got a problem. Since when did you become someone who punches answers out of people?" He shouts grabbing her wrist.

"Since I decided to stop wasting time. He's not dead. He will heal." She said taking her arm back. Steve walks in seeing the scene in front of him. "What? You are going to judge me too?"

"I don't think anyone is judging you." Tony said. "I'm just worried about you."

"Ever since Loki died you have to admit your judgement is off." Steve said. She went to punch him but he blocked her. "They call you Slayer now."

"And look at that. The star spangled banner of judgement." She then teleported away to a safe distance from the building letting magic flow out of her as she screamed to then be pulled into a hug. She started throwing punches and looked up to see Thor.

"I miss him too." She buried her face into Thor's chest. "Don't worry Little One... We will find his scepter."

She then quickly sat up and began hyperventilating. She was back in Loki's room and when she looked down there was Loki sleeping. She then laid back down and in his sleep, Loki pulled her back to him. She smiled at the comfort but she couldn't fall back asleep. She kept thinking about how she basically went off the deep end at the beginning of the four years. Sure none of the lives she took were innocent but she still took them. She kissed Loki's cheek and then teleported to the reading nook by the window in Loki's room. She sighed as she stared out at the beautiful kingdom surrounded by a night sky.

"I wonder how much he saw of my four years." She said under her breath. She looked up and saw what appeared to be a moon but it was purple. "I don't think sleep is going to happen anymore tonight." She waived her hand and the golden spell book with green emeralds appeared in her hand and a candle was lit. She began going through the book to find some of Frigga's notes in it as well.

"Before we leave tomorrow you should take some of her spell books with you." Her eyes widened and she looked towards the bed to see Loki sitting up.


"They would benefit you more than sitting in the library collecting dust." She smiled at Loki.

"What are you doing up?"

"What are you doing awake?"

"I asked first Fancy Pants."

"You left the bed." Loki then watched her as she set the book down and blew out the candle. She walked over to the bed and got under the covers as Loki laid back down. "Tell me why you are awake."

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