Chapter 53: And So She Is Cleared

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A/N : Hey everyone! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. So this is definitely a chapter filled with fluff and sexual content. Warning! This is going to be a long chapter. Enjoy!


"Darling you haven't been cleared yet... please lay back down." Loki pleaded with his fiancé to no avail. She shook her head as she stood rocking Frigga.

"No way. I may never lay down again!" She cheered. It had been 4 weeks and she could finally walk without pain. Loki chuckled as Y/N tickled Frigga and stood from the bed. He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Frigga fell asleep as Y/N hummed a lullaby to her and Loki kissed the crook of her neck. Y/N sighed in content. Loki quietly growled in her ear.

"I want to touch you." Loki played with the hem of her shirt while she moved reluctantly to put Frigga in her crib. The minute Frigga was put down, Loki pulled her into a hungry and passionate kiss. Without breaking the kiss he lead her out of Frigga's half of the room and into their half. Y/N built a wall using her powers a few weeks ago and was heavily scolded by Loki for using that much power. But as he was quietly shutting the door to Frigga's room, he couldn't be more grateful for it as a moan from Y/N escaped into the kiss. She put a hand on his chest and pushed a little to break the kiss. She was panting and her face was flushed, the kiss had effectively riled her up.

"Loki... I..." She couldn't look him in the eye because she knew that she would just melt right into him. Loki growled, closing his eyes, and pressing his forehead to her's. Any chance they got these past four weeks they would do little things to tease each other. Loki would nip at her ear and she would retaliate with a short passionate kiss that left him wanting more or she would kiss his neck while teasingly playing with his belt and he would retaliate with kissing along her jawline. There little game was fun when Frigga was with Thor or in her room but they both were at their limits now.

"When is your appointment today?" He asked, calming himself down. That's when Thor entered and cleared his throat. Loki chuckled. "The oaf is here to watch her, so let's go... now." It was like a demand and Y/N couldn't help but chuckle. Thor clearly felt uncomfortable, Loki didn't exactly hide the fact that he was frustrated as he helped lead training after two weeks of being with Y/N and Frigga.

"She is sleeping right now Thor but she will wake up soon. And I pumped earlier today so there are a few bottles in the tiny fridge over there." She points to the little mini fridge in the corner by her room. "And her favorite thing right now is this plush toy I made last week. She can't sleep without it and..." Loki interrupted her.

"The oaf has babysat her before darling." Loki said and turned to Thor and Thor chuckled.

"And everytime I do, Sister reiterates everything to me." Thor smirked at his brother. "And if she is cleared, she asked if I would take Frigga tonight." Loki turned to Y/N who was flushing red as both Loki and Thor had a teasingly all knowing look on their faces.

"A-A-Anyways...." She mumbled, "Frigga's favorite pijamas and diaper bag is all packed. She is in her crib with her favorite blanket so don't forget that and... and... thank you Thor..." Thor ruffled her hair laughing.

"Anything for you Sister. Now go, you don't want to be late." Thor said.

"Agreed." Loki then scooped Y/N up bridal style and teleported away.


The healers pulled out the soul forge and poked at Y/N in certain spots to check for tenderness. They did a thorough examination of her and then cleared her for activities. Y/N nodded and took the opportunity to make a check up appointment for Frigga which they obliged. She smiled and they left. The second that door closed Loki recaptured her lips in that same hungry passion.

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