Chapter 41 : And So Thor Lands On Sakaar

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A couple weeks passed and they were having a celebration before fight day. Loki had made a couple friends of his own and was off somewhere. Loki was practically giddy as he conversed and Y/N was at the bar alone.

"You ok?" The bartender asks. She turns and gives her award winning fake smile. "Ooof. I'll get you a double Barcos."

"Neat." She says and puts her head down.

"Hey Big Sis what has you so down?" The Grandmaster asks. His eyes go wide when he sees her drink. "The pissed off choice huh?"

"They don't work." She says sitting up and taking a sip.


"They don't work. Char is having his baby any day now, Tony's anxiety is probably through the roof, Fury is probably searching the globe, Annessa and Nat are probably worrying themselves sick... and the gems won't work!" She downs the drink and crushes the glass in her hand, cutting it. "I should be happy and over there with Loki, smiling with him, but instead I'm over here missing Earth..."

"I'll have what she's having." The bartender nods and Y/N looks at her younger brother. "Ooo this will be fun! I haven't sat at the bar in a long time!" She chuckles.

"I'm glad you are here even though I don't agree with this fighting thing." Grandmaster got his drink and they cheersed. Loki finally came up for a refill and sees her drink.

"The 'I'm pissed off' drink?" Loki looks at her with concern, especially after seeing her hand cut up.

"Her second one." The bartender mutters to Loki, refilling his martini.

"Jerry, are you telling everyone my business?" She asks raising her eyebrows. The bartender quickly pours her another drink when she downs the second one.

"Those gem thingies. She can't get them to work." Grandmaster says. "She's being overbearingly worrisome. I will leave it to you to handle." He then is beckoned over by a new girl and smiles.

"I at least got a few minutes of support from my brother. Progress." She smiles as Loki takes her hand. She winced as he pulls the glass shards out of her hand and then used his magic to heal her.

"Little Assassin... are you sure you are alright?" Loki asks and she nods smiling at him.

"Don't let me be a damper on your fun Loki. Go! I'm going to go check on Nico since he is going back to his chair." She kisses Loki's cheek and downs the third drink. She sees Nico now talking to somebody. Loki sat back down with his friends conversing when she heard a familiar voice. She stayed hidden to watch the interaction.

"Loki?" The man called out. "Loki! Loki! Over here. Over here." Loki stood up shocked and laughed nervously before walking over.

"Excuse me one second." He said to his friends.

"Loki!" Thor exclaims. Loki starts shushing his brother before they start whispering to each other. Y/N and Nico looked at each other and shrugged before sneaking over.

"You're alive?" Loki asked.

"Yes of course I'm alive." Thor responded.

"What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm stuck in this stupid chair. Where's your chair?"

"I didn't get a chair."

"Get me out of this one."

"I can't."

"Get me out."

"I can't."


"I've made friends with this man. He's called the Grandmaster." Y/N watches as Loki continues while Nico is enjoying this very much. Loki had been nothing but happy for the past weeks and seeing him get all squirmy was entertaining to Nico.

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