Chapter 4: He Noticed

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Beep Beep Beep

The annoying sound of my alarm blared throughout my room signalling me to get my lazy ass of  bed and ready for school.

I mumbled a "just another five minutes" reaching out for my phone and swiping left  to put it on snooze.I snuggled up on my bed and fell into soft slumber.

My eyes barely closed a minute when the irritating morning bell  blared from my phone once again.I shot  up from  bed and grabbed the phone from my night stand ready to turn the phone off.I pressed the power button on it's side and the phone's screen flickered to life.

"Oh,no!"I exclaimed  tossing my duvet away from my body and making a mad dash for the shower.I literally had an hour before school and there I was,running in my room aimlessly trying to gather a few articles of clothing for my bath.

Minutes later, I walked out of the shower feeling refreshed but jittery.Hastily  parting my now shoulder length hair into two halves,I tied the top half in a bun and let the lower half  loose on my  shoulders.I slipped on some skinny jeans and a floral patterned choker top completing the outfit with a pair of white sneakers,because white goes with everything.I caught sight of myself in the mirror and feeling good with my choice of clothing before I scampered  downstairs for breakfast.

I wasn't surprised to see Mum bent over the kitchen stove preparing something heavenly.Mum was always up early before any of us  making sure we had a nutritious  breakfast   before  leaving for our daily endeavours .

"Goodmorning princess , you look extremely pretty today." Mum coed  dropping a sizzling sausage in my already cramped up plate.With her freehand, she tucked a stray piece of hair  behind my ear and pressed a kiss on my cheek.

"Mum's doll."Benji smirked looking up from his phone because  he found the charade amusing.I resisted the urge to snap back  at him by lifting my glass of fresh orange juice to my lips. Eating was more productive than wasting my time on my clearly relaxed  brother.  His college lectures started later than mine and he found it the perfect opportunity to kick back,kill time  and rub it in my face.I was  way more than that.
Taking a few sips of the juice, I placed  it back on  the table and hugged a worried Mum who was left complaining that I had barely touched my breakfast goodbye.

" Guess someone's running late to class."Benji snickered from his corner at the table as I walked past him.Grabbing my bag, I prayed fervently that he'd choke on his mug of coffee  in a matter of minutes.

"Idiot."I mumbled shutting the door  behind me.

In less than twenty minutes I arrived at school.Thank heavens traffic was light.

After making a mad dash to my locker,I slipped quietly into my first class  hoping my classmates wouldn't make a fuss out of my hair especially since I came in late, attention ought to have been on me.

The class was almost full now as we were all waiting for the teacher.It seemed he wouldn't be making it any sooner as the clock struck half past eight and he wasn't still making an appearance.

"Hey Julian,is today's class cancelled?"I asked the black haired boy sitting besides me.

"Nope,Manhart spilled coffee on himself .Went to the teacher's lounge to get changed."He explained going back to the phone in his hands.

"Sure, thanks."I nodded swivelling my gaze from him back to the chaotic class.In the process,my eyes landed on an intriguing pair of blue eyes with a light scowl plastered on his face .

I immediately looked away sensing Jay's piercing stare .

I shifted my attention to the open literature textbook in front of me to look occupied.

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