Chapter 35: Noel Wizarding Ball

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Today is the day! The Noel Wizarding Ball has already come into Hogwarts, everyone from the fourth to seventh years remained excited as ever and everyone was already in their ball attire. Some of them were now with their partners since they had thirty minutes left before the big day started. Fifth to seventh years were now the lower floor west, where the door went to Great Hall. They were now formed in line to enter the Great Hall properly for the Noel Wizarding Ball, except Gusion and his fellow Slytherin friends who were still waiting for their partners to come. Gusion was so excited to see Lesley in her ball attire and he wore a lavender tux with buttons and a white polo from the inside. He also wore a black necktie, lavender pants that match his tux, and brown leather shoes. He crossed his arms and tapped his right foot while waiting for his one and only, it made him happier when his fianceé didn't come.

"Nice attire you had, Bud!" Ling remarked.

"Looks like your partner will shock with your look," Claude added. "Where's your partner by the way?"

"She will be here any minute", Gusion smiled. Ling and Claude whistled and teased, making Gusion shake his head with a smile.

Suddenly, Ling and Claude's partner, Wanwan Agile from Hufflepuff and Irithel Cyclone from Slytherin approached their partners and they went to the line. Gusion's two friends gestured bye for right now to their Pureblood friend and hope his partner came, they also did the same thing to Hanabi Scarlet since her partner was not arriving yet. Hanabi wore a red one-shoulder gown with pearls around her waist, along with red heels for the match. Her hair was curly down with a double braid around her back head and some silver leaves attached. She went closer to Gusion and cleared her throat. Gusion looked at her.

"Gusion my friend," Hanabi said. "What time will your partner arrive? The ball is going to start soon."

"I'm not sure about that,'' Gusion replied. "But she will arrive soon." 

"I hope that you chose the right partner," she remarked with a semi antagonistic voice. "Or else, it's the end of your life."

"Wha-what do you mean?" He asked her with a disoriented expression.

"Nevermind that. Hope your partner is here for a minute!" Her mood was changed when she said that.

Her partner Hanzo Akakages from Slytherin finally arrived and he approached her. She gestured to Gusion that she and Hanzo would proceed to the line. Gusion went to the corner nearby downstairs, where Granger and Lunox along with their partners Kimmy and Vale were standing on it. Both of them felt suspicious if Gusion will be their friend's partner. As Gusion leaned backward to the wall, crossed his arms while waiting for his partner, Granger and Lunox were also waiting for Lesley since she was not yet present until now. They are still looking for their friend. Granger wore a black and red tuxedo vest with black pants and black leather shoes while Lunox wore a champagne tulle gown with champagne heels. Her short hair was in a wavy form that matched her outfit.

"Wow, she is so beautiful..." Kimmy exclaimed her eyes focused on someone.

With that, Granger and Lunox both looked something where Kimmy looked. Their eyes got wide in amazement as Gusion felt suspicious to them and he looked too. He can't believe it with his eyes and his mouth remains open.

Lesley Vance was standing at the stairs, smiling gracefully like a charming witch. She wore an ombre lavender off-shoulder tulle gown and golden lavender earrings attached to her ears. Her heels were still the same color as her gown and her hair was in curly magenta hair with a huge bun at the back. It is a coincidence that she and Gusion's outfit have the same color. She stared at Gusion gracefully and gently going downstairs like a lady. She carried her gown with one hand to avoid herself from tripping. This will be her best night she ever had!

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