Chapter 33: Winter Treats

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Art not mine. Credits to vanillattexx
(Edited 09/02/21)

Two days before the Noel Wizarding Ball, everyone maintained his and her own dance steps so Professor Alice was proud of the fifth. They're now dismissed earlier in the afternoon as a reward for that. Snowflakes were falling right now as Lesley and Lunox went outside to Hogwarts and went to the courtyard with their winter outfits on them. Lunox wore a whitish blue jacket with a Ravenclaw scarf and hat on it, her gloves had the same color of her jacket. She also had a black pants and silver boots as her bottom outfit. Lesley's winter outfit is still the same. 

"Snow is really falling though." Lesley said to Lunox. "This is my favorite moment in winter." She raised both of her hands as she tried to catch some snowflakes on it. 

"I know", Lunox replied. "By the way, I have a hangout with Selena right now so I have to go. I hope you're doing fine alone. 

"Oh, I'm okay don't worry," Lesley said. "Enjoy your hangout by the way. Granger is enjoying his hangout with his friend though." 

Lunox smiled and gestured to Lesley that she was going to leave her alone. Once she left her alone and went to Selena, Lesley raised her both arms and twirling around merrily while the snowflakes were falling to her. In fact, she was playing with snow but she suddenly tripped because the snow was slippery and almost fell. Luckily someone caught her by catching her on her waist. She smiled when someone saved her from falling down. 

"Tsss be careful next time Lesmione," Gusion reminded her. "Snow is really slippery. Anyway, congrats for being a Top 2 at O.W.L.s." 

"Thanks Gusion, I just loved playing with the snow." Lesley smiled as she stood up in front of him. "Congrats too for being a Top 5." She added. 

Gusion wore a black winter coat with blank pants on it. He had a black and grey winter hat, gloves and boots (in other words, he is in Draco's POA winter outfit) Gusion asked Lesley where her friends were and why she was alone right now. 

"Oh, Lunox is having a hangout with Selena." Lesley informed. "Granger too with his friend in the sixth year. He left earlier after the practice." 

"Oh," Gusion said. "It is good though because we can hang out alone. My friends are busy right now and I want to be alone. Lucky I saw you, Lesmione." 

"What about Guinevere though?" She asked as her face went into anxiety. 

"Don't worry, my fianceé is always in the library every vacant time." He reassured her. "Plus I keep my invisibility cloak in my coat right now in case." He added with a wink. 

Lesley smiled as she shook her head for him. Gusion suddenly popped something on his head, he asked Lesley if she was free right as she responded yes and asked him why. 

"Hey remember our first date at the Hogsmeade? I suppose to treat you at Honeydukes but you're not free that time." Gusion said. "Is it okay that I'm going to treat you right now at Honeydukes?" 

"Well of course!" Lesley exclaimed with delight. "I'm craving my favorite sweets right now!" 

"Me too though. Let's go Lesmione." 

Lesley and Gusion both left the courtyard and proceeded to Hogsmeade. Some thick snow is covered right now in the shops' roof and some of it cannot see the name of the shop. Some fourth to seventh years were roaming through that village. Their footsteps were heard because of the thickness of the snow. They suddenly stopped when they saw a dark green door along with the two large windows that sweets displayed in front of them. 

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