Chapter 47: Pre-Spring Break Journey

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It was already the last week of March and many students expected the Spring Break. Time flies faster than the Golden snitch as they thought. The Spring Break would occur in the first week of April, as Professor Alice announced before at the noticing board. Of course, many students were excited about it. Some of them would be going home and some of them would stay at Hogwarts. Yet, there was one little thing that the fifth-years dealt with before their excitement took over their bodies in another school break.

It was the long test in the subject of Care of Magical Creatures with Franco they were taking right now. Franco borrowed a vacant classroom inside the school one day before their long test day. Half of the fifth-years were ready for the test, which included Lesley Vance who studied the whole night in the Gryffindor dorm, and Gusion's fianceé Guinevere Baroque. Another half was not ready and that included Granger Chanter, few of them were procrastinating to study before the time of long tests. Franco is a friendly teacher in his class, especially Lesley and her friends yet he had to be a little more strict when it comes to written works. Their long test was all about Porlock and Fairy that Franco gave his students time to study two days before their day due to the complicated details. He reminded his students that suffering comes first before enjoyment.

"Fifth-years", Franco announced as he looked at the classroom's clock. "You have twenty minutes left to accomplish your long test."

Lesley Vance was the half on the Fairy-related questions of the test. The questions of Porlock and Fairy related were separated. Yet the essays about the two topics were in the last part of the test together. She made sure that all of her answers in the questions before proceeding to the essay part given in the paper were right since she studies a lot about these. Unlike Lesley Vance, a Slytherin seeker, Gusion Paxley was having a hard time with the given questions. He scratched his head with his left hand in confusion as to the answer to the question he is stuck with. He studied a lot too last night along with Guinevere and Hanabi at the library, yet some details he studied were faded to his memory and that may be the reason why he is having a hard time remembering the right answer. He tapped his quill with the support of his two right fingers while thinking deeply. He looked at his seatmate Hanabi Scarlet, who was answering the last question about Porlock before proceeding to the Fairy questions. Luckily, Franco was watching the students at the back so he didn't see Gusion was looking at his friend and the paper.

"Hey", Hanabi noticed. "Why are you staring at me and my paper?"

"Nothing sorry", Gusion apologized as he made himself again to his paper.

"You know that your fianceé doesn't want you to cheat", Hanabi informed softly. "Even I do as your best friend."

"Yeah..." Gusion sighed. "I'm just minding my answers again..."

Hanabi smirked as she started to read the essay questions before answering them. On the other hand, Gusion just guessed a few of his answers before proceeding to the last part. He looked at his fianceé Guinevere, who was sitting at the table on the left side of him. Guinevere smirked seductively while answering the essay part. She already knew that she would have a perfect score on this long test like she had Gusion as her perfect husband, she thought.

"You have fifteen minutes left to finish your test", Franco updated as he walked back to the board. "Once you finish, you may now pass your parchment paper to me."

In that case, Lesley just finished answering her long test so she stood up and walked through the board. She is the first student who finished the test before time. Franco smiled at her when she gave her paper to her.

"Looks like you studied well, Lesley", Franco complimented. "You answered more briskly than the others."

"Well, I'm always studying when there's written work happening,'' Lesley said with a smile. "I just don't want to have a fail grade or have a lower score."

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