Chapter 11: A New Seeker

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Today is the last day of Quidditch practice, and Lesley and her team immediately went to the field, including Granger and Lunox. Selena however, didn't join them because she was so busy with her homeworks.

"Lesley, wait for us!" Lunox shouted to Lesley, running ahead of them to the center of the field.

When they reached the field, everyone was surprised, including Lesley's two friends. They saw the Slytherin team inside the field, practicing for the upcoming match, like them.  Granger and Lunox looked at each other, sharing a troubled look. Silvanna looked suspicious, because they only gave one hour for Gryffindor team, and it's their last practice, so it seemed unfair that Slytherin would join them. She went to the Slytherin's Chaser to ask what they were doing there.

"Excuse me, Professor Alice gave only one hour for my team, which is right now. No offense but, what are you doing here?" Silvanna asked.

"Oh hey Aurelius. Sorry, but we need to get your time for the last day of training. Our new Seeker needs one more hour extension for our practice. Professor Alice already approved of this." Zilong Draong said, the leader and Chaser of the Slytherin.

"That's not fair!" Lesley went closer to them. "This is the last day of our practice! We were only given one hour to practice for several days now and now you'd have to take our time? The match will be tomorrow and we need to practice too!"

The Gryffindor team agreed with Lesley and started complaining to the Slytherin team. Zilong and his fellow Slytherin team smirked to spite them. Another Chaser named Natalia Raven walked up to Lesley.

"Why don't you go and complain to our new Seeker instead of blaming us?" she asked, her eyebrows raised.

Silvanna looked at Lesley, who took a deep breath. The Gryffindor team went closer to them.

"Where is your new Seeker? I need to talk to him or her." Lesley said politely.

The Slytherin team looked at each other as the Beater Hanzo Akakages, Pureblood and Year 6, got the golden snitch. Lesley's eyes widened in shock.

"Are you the Seeker of Gryffindor?" Hanzo asked. "If you are, catch this snitch to prove yourself."

Hanzo tossed the golden snitch up high. The golden snitch flew itself very fast. Lesley grimaced but still positioned herself to fly. Once she flew, the Slytherin team laughed at her, making Silvanna shake her head in disgust. Lesley saw their mocking faces as she ascended to catch the snitch.

"Oh you're all laughing at me? You won't be when I've proved it all to you that I'm the Seeker of Gryffindor!" Lesley said in anger.

Granger and Lunox gazed at her midair from the bleachers.

"This is not good." Granger said to Lunox.

Lesley saw the golden snitch a few meters away from her. She started to chase it; tried to catch up with it because it flies faster when she tries to draw near it. In the middle of the field, she raised her right arm and was about to catch the snitch when someone snatched it out of her reach. Lesley looked up to see the thief.

"Paxley?!?" Lesley was stunned, and butterflies were now starting to swarm in her stomach.

"Yes, I am. I'm the new Seeker." Gusion said nastily as he played with the golden snitch.

Lesley raked her eyes on Gusion from head to toe and was astounded when she saw the broomstick he was using.

"That's Nimbus 2001! How did you get tha-"

"A gift from my Pureblood family. The gift was sent to me in the Great Hall last week. They told Professor Alice to make me the Seeker of Slytherin. 'Cause I'm best at flying."

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