Nightmares // O.W

882 11 1

Oliver Wood


698 Words

I lay there in bed awake. My husband Oliver is seemingly asleep, and I didn't want to wake him. I got up carefully unravelling myself from Oliver's arms. He stirred so I stayed still for a minute to make sure that he had stayed asleep. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I heard a noise. It came from the bedroom, so I got a bit worried. The only people in the house were me, Oliver and our kids Charlotte and Thomas.

I walked slowly towards mine and Oliver's bedroom and I noticed that he had knocked his alarm clock on the floor. He was having another nightmare. Oliver had been having these frequently since a quidditch accident last year. Oliver was playing Keeper as usual when a bludger was aimed at him. It would have hit his head if his reflexes weren't quick. Luckily, it hit his arm causing him to fall off his broom. He suffered a broken arm, rib and ankle, bruised side and concussion. The healers at St. Mungo's said that if it had of hit his head then he probably wouldn't have survived that and the fall.

I walked over to Oliver, now used to his nightmares and shook him gently awake. "Oliver sweetheart, wake up its just a nightmare." I spoke quietly. He started to wake up, but he was still sweating and shaking. I carried on talking to him trying to stop his nightmare. Eventually he woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I am so sorry if I woke you Leannan, it was just another nightmare. Not the worst I have had they seem to be getting better." Oliver spoke. His Scottish accent showing through thickly. If I hadn't been with him since our fifth year at Hogwarts then I am not sure if I have would have been able to understand him.

I smiled at him lovingly. He had just woken from a nightmare and he was more worried about if I was alright. "It's okay, I couldn't sleep anyway." I answered him. He rubbed his eyes again. I knew that the nightmare was bad even if it wasn't his worst. He never spoke about them and I never pressured him to. I just knew what they were about. I was standing next to the bed as I pulled him into my arms. I heard him inhale deeply and I smiled to myself.

"What are you thinking about Love?" Oliver asked looking up at me to see my smile.

"Nothing much, just how our life is and for all its flaws, I wouldn't change it for the world." I heard him hum in reply. I could tell he was getting tired again.

"Would it be alright if I borrowed your jumper?" I asked him

"Why?" he replied yawning straight after.

"Smells like you." I stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sure darling." He answered and he let go of my waist so I could grab one. I got his old Gryffindor Quidditch one. It was my favourite. I was about to climb into bed when I heard a small knock on the door. I went over and opened the door and saw both our daughter and son standing there. At five and three it wasn't rare that one of them would come to me and Oliver in the night, but it was rare for both of them to come together.

"Thomas had a nightmare and came to wake me up." Charlotte squeaked. She obviously was very tired herself but couldn't go back to bed as Thomas was holding onto her arm with one hand and sucking the thumb on his other.

"Can stay with Mummy and Daddy tonight?" Thomas asked.

"Sure, come on in" Oliver answered, and I stood to the side. I watched lovingly as they both cuddled up to Oliver. I walked around the bed and got in Thomas was next to me and Charlotte was in between him and Oliver. I smiled at my family and pecked Oliver's lips. Soon I drifted off to sleep thinking about how I managed to get so lucky.

A/N: So, I am new to writing publicly but have written for myself for a while. I am open to constructive criticism. Not that I am expecting many reads. Requests are open and I have prompts as well if you need them.

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