We Only Have Each Other // D.M

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Draco Malfoy

Angst to Fluff

Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

1145 Words

(A/N: Sorry if this isn't exactly what you asked for, but I tried my best. Xx)

Today was the day. I was going to get the Dark Mark. I didn't want to. The only reason I was getting it and basically handed my life over to the Dark Lord was, so they didn't harm Draco.

My parents have been friends with the Malfoy's since they all became Death Eaters during the First Wizarding War. That means me and Draco grew up together and became best friends. When we started Hogwarts together and were both sorted into Slytherin, we only grew closer. I eventually developed feelings for Draco, but I never dreamed he would feel the same way. Now we had bigger things to deal with.

My Mum had told me that both me and Draco were to get the Dark Mark today. I was scared for not only myself but for him too. If they threatened to hurt him just by me not getting the Dark Mark then what would they do if one of us was entrusted with a task.

As me and my mother walked down Diagon Alley, past the only shop open down the street. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. I wished for nothing more than to be inside with the other kids, looking around for pranks to buy ready for the school year. But my back-to-school shopping was going to be a little different. I saw Narcissa Malfoy with Draco walking down towards Borgin and Burkes on Knockturn Alley. Me and my Mother were both only a few paces behind. Another thing me and Draco had in common was that both our Father's current residences were Azkaban.

We went inside the shop and almost immediately were given the mark. I assumed it was so we would have less time to protest. Draco was given a task straight away. He had to kill Dumbledore. Not that I would ever admit it out loud, especially in front of my Mother, but I quite liked Dumbledore as headmaster. He was always kind towards me and never showed any hatred towards me although knowing my family consisted of Death Eaters. I saw the colour drain out of Draco's face as he was told what he had to do.

*Time Skip – Six Months*

Me and Draco had managed to avoid suspicion. Well mostly. Potter and his friends seemed to think that we were up to something, but I was trying to distract them while Draco was getting on with the task. Draco had tried a couple of things but neither worked. First of all, he cursed Katie Bell to give Dumbledore a cursed necklace. However, Bell touched the necklace and nearly died herself. Then he gave Slughorn some mead to gift to Dumbledore. But again, the plan went awry when Slughorn opened it himself and gave some to Ron Weasley. Again, Weasley nearly died.

At Slughorn's Christmas party, Draco and Snape were overheard by Potter talking about the Unbreakable Vow Snape had made in order to protect Draco and myself. This led to Potter trying to harm Draco but instead used a spell he didn't know and nearly killed Draco. I visited Draco in the hospital and that's when I had the idea to let the other Death Eaters in through the vanishing cabinet.

*Time Skip – Three Months*

"Are you ready Y/N?" Draco asked me. I was shaking. Both our lives had been threatened if this failed. What ever happened tonight, someone was going to die. I felt sick but followed Draco up to the Astronomy Tower.

"Yeah. Are you?" I asked. He just looked at me. I could see the fear in his eyes. Knowing him all my life and loving him for as long as I have known what that means, I learned to read him. He nodded and carried on towards the tower. As we climbed we saw Dumbledore at the top. I stood behind Draco and tried not to make a sound as Dumbledore tried to persuade Draco not to do it.

A few minutes passed and Snape arrived. He took over. He stood in front of both me and Draco pointing his wand at Dumbledore. Draco grabbed my hand and suddenly the Death Eaters appeared behind us. Then Snape did it. "Avada Kedavra". That was it. Dumbledore was dead. Bellatrix was fuming. She pointed her wand at me.

"It's all her fault. She got in the way. She distracted him. Well distraction she will be no more!" she screeched. Snape quickly disarmed her and yelled at us both to run. The Death Eaters and Snape chasing us. We ran I felt I was going to be sick. Draco who was still holding my hand was running faster than me. He was basically dragging me along, but I didn't mind. I was more worried about his psychopath Aunt chasing us.

We ran into the forest and hid behind some bushes. We waited until the coast was clear before we moved. Snape eventually found us and apparated us to a safehouse. The only people that knew about it was himself and Narcissa. I was so scared I just hoped that Bellatrix wouldn't find us here.

A few hours later and me and Draco were sitting in the safehouse alone. Narcissa would be there in the morning after speaking to the Dark Lord. She was going to try and convince him not to allow us to be killed and that as the task had been completed there was no real reason why either of us should be harmed. Until then it was just me and Draco.

I knew I had to tell him how I felt. I don't know what it would do to our friendship but after nearly dying tonight and him saving me, it showed me that life is too short. "Draco can I tell you something? Just promise me that you won't look at me any different." I whispered to him. He looked at me and smiled while nodding.

"Sure, you can tell me anything Y/N/N."

I took a deep breath and prepared myself. "I like you. More than a best friend and after everything that has happened tonight I needed to tell you. I understand if you don't feel the same way but-" I was cut off by his lips on mine. I was taken aback at first, but I soon melted into him.

"I have liked you for a long time Y/N. I think I may even love you." I smiled at him and kissed him again. This one even more passionate than the first. It was desperate and long overdue. Eventually we broke apart. We ended up cuddled together on the sofa and we both drifted off to sleep.

Nothing mattered whilst we were sitting together. I didn't know what was going to happen to us but right now we were together, and we were in love. That was all that was important to me today.

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