Good News // B.W

307 7 0

Bill Weasley


815 Words

Warnings: pregnancy

I was sitting in the bathroom waiting. I had one minute left. Ginny was waiting outside. she was mainly there for moral support.

30 seconds..

20 seconds..


3... 2... 1...

I flipped over the pregnancy test. Positive.

This has to be a good thing. Me and Bill had been married six months and had spoken about kids in our future. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to scream and tell the world. But a part of me was worried about what Bill was going to say. We both had a stable job, him at Gringotts and me at the Ministry. I worked in the same office as his brother Percy.

I was worried because what if the pregnancy came too soon after we were married. I slowly opened the door and Ginny was waiting patiently.

"Well..?" she asked. I nodded my head. Tears filled my eyes.

"Oh Y/N, what's wrong. This is a good thing. I'm going to be an Aunt." She was practically squealing. I tried to put on a smile, but I was failing miserably.

"I'm okay Gin really. I'm just worried. Me and Bill have talked about having children, but we have only been married six months. What if he isn't ready for a child?" I asked her. Personally, I was over the moon about being pregnant all my worry was about how Bill was going to react.

"Y/N/N this is Bill we are talking about; he has wanted to be a Dad one day all his life and he loves you more than anything. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be happy about this. If he is unhappy about this send him my way and then Mum's way. We'll sort him out." She laughed at her last statement. I let out a small giggle too.

"Thank you Gin. I really appreciate it you know." I told her. I was so lucky to have her as my sister-in-law.

"Anytime Y/N/N. I have to get back to Harry now. He has been in a bad mood for days." I smiled at her and gave her a hug before she apparated out of mine and Bill's living room.

Not ten minutes later Bill arrived home through the floo system. "Hey love, how was your day off?" he asked as he kissed the top of my head.

"It was alright. How about you good day at work?" I asked. I was fiddling with my wedding ring and picking at my finger nails.

"Same old, I miss being in Egypt where every day was different but at least now I am based in London I am nearer family." He smiled. It quickly turned into a frown though when he noticed my fiddling. "Y/N love are you sure you are okay?" he questioned worriedly.

"I have something to tell you, but it can wait. We can talk over dinner." I spoke. I was delaying telling him for as long as possible. He nodded his head and went to go shower. I moved to the kitchen to start on dinner when Bill came back through.

"I can't wait any longer. You are upset and I need to know what is wrong so I can fix it." He said, the worry was more evident than before. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Fine yeah I can tell you now, although you won't be able to fix it." I stated slowly. He furrowed his eyebrows obviously confused.

"What do you mean you're not ill are you?"

"No, I'm not ill." Here goes nothing. "Bill I'm pregnant."

"Wait really?"


"I'm going to be a Dad?"

"Yes Bill. You are going to be a Dad."

"This is amazing love. Why were you worried about this? Unless you don't want a child anymore." He asked, worry flooding his face again.

"No. No I definitely want to have this child, but I was just nervous that everything is going too fast. We have only been married six months and now we are having a baby. Seeing your reaction though has never made me more confident of anything." I smiled up at him.

"I know we aren't meant to tell anyone until after three months, but can we tell my Mum. Merlin knows how she will react though." He laughed.

"Molly will be over the moon. Although Ginny already knows. She kind of walk into the house as I was going to take the test." I told him.

"I can't believe I am going to be a Dad. We will go to Mum's after dinner." He said as he ran into the bathroom to take his shower. I smiled at his behaviour and finished making dinner. I subconsciously put my hand on my stomach. I couldn't believe there was life growing inside of me and I was so excited.

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