Stay With Me // G.W

339 8 1

George Weasley

Angst (kind of cute ending)

1142 Words

A/N: Fred doesn't die!, Minor character death, Break up. I do have a Part 2 planned for this.

"Please Y/N. Where will you go?" George was begging me. He was crying and so was I. I didn't want to leave him, but my Mum was killed in the war and I needed some space. George's twin brother Fred was nearly crushed by a wall himself and needed a lot of time and help to recover. Dating George automatically meant that Fred was my best friend. Not that I minded. I had to do this for myself and for George. We had been arguing a lot recently and time apart may do us good. What that meant for our relationship I didn't know.

"I have family in America. I'll stay with my Aunt and two cousins." I replied. I was currently packing a suitcase. "George, this isn't forever, I don't expect you to wait for me to get back, but I need to leave. I need to mourn my Mum with her family, and you need to help Fred heal. We both don't want this, I know. But you have to understand that we need this." I dare not look at him. I knew seeing him cry would make me stay and my Merlin did I want to. But I needed this and so did he. Living how we are was suffocating both of us.

"Stay with me. Please just stay with me Y/N. I need you." George begged. I finally look at him and gave him a hug. He hugged me back, but I soon let go to carry on packing. "Y/N please." His voice was breaking.

"I am so sorry George."

"How long will you be gone for?" he asked in a whisper.

"Six months at the most. I'll come and see you when I get back I promise. George I love you so much this is breaking my heart." I told him.

"Then don't go. Stay with me."

"I'm sorry George." I picked up my suitcase and went to the front door. I turned around and he was standing so close to me I could feel his breath on my hairline.

"At least let me kiss you goodbye." he whispered. I nodded, even though it probably wouldn't help the situation, I needed to kiss him before I left. It was deep and passionate. Feeling his lips on mine was almost enough to convince me to stay. Almost. I pulled away slowly and pecked his lips one last time.

"I love you Georgie." I choked out along with a sob. With that I left. I apparated to the portkey but before I could I heard Fred through the door.

"She's not doing this to hurt you mate. She just needs time to heal."

*Time skip – Six Months Later*

I soon arrived back in England. I booked a room at the Leaky Cauldron I had to see George in London first before I could move to Norfolk with my Dad. My time in America was refreshing. My Aunt and cousins were welcoming and understood as they had lost a sister and an Aunt too. I knew I needed to come home though and I hated to admit it but being away from George was torture. After setting my stuff down I went into Diagon Alley. I went to a little bakery and picked up a cherry tart that I knew George loved so much. I wasn't sure what I wanted from him, but I wanted to see him and for him to know I was back. For him to know that I never meant to hurt him, but I needed to clear my head. He was lucky. He didn't lose Fred, but I lost my Mum and I needed to mourn and heal.

After I went to the bakery I made my way to the shop. I hadn't been there in sixth months. I noticed that there were children everywhere, parents trying to keep an eye on them. The shop hadn't changed at all. Orange and purple still the main colours. Displays full and devices whirring around above the heads. There was a kid who had obviously had a puking pastille and was throwing up in a cauldron.

I walked inside. I didn't know if George wanted to see me, but I hoped at least Fred could tell him I stopped by. I went up to the till and saw Verity. Verity had worked at the shop for nearly as long as it had been open. She never liked me much as she had a not-so-subtle crush on George. She looked shocked to see me, but her face soon changed into a bored one.

"Hello Verity, is George or Fred here by any chance?" I asked her politely.

"Why? Want to break George's heart again?" She scoffed. I know I hurt him, but it was none of her business what happened between us.

"Are one of them here yes or no?" I asked again, losing my patience slightly.

"Mr. Weasley!" Verity shouted through to the back office.

Fred came out. Looking confused at first as to why Verity called him but then he saw me. He froze and I thought the worst. 'Oh Merlin, I've lost them both!' I thought to myself. But then he smiled. He ran up to me, nearly falling over a child. He engulfed me in a hug, and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I hugged him back and relaxed a bit. If George didn't want to talk to me I could get Fred to pass on a message.

When we pulled away Fred just whispered, "He's upstairs." I nodded and thanked him silently. I walked upstairs and knocked on the door. A few seconds later he answered.

"Hello George." I mumbled.


He wrapped me into a hug and again I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. He sighed as well. "How have you been? How was America?" he asked.

"It was good and refreshing but I am glad to be back." I told him.

"Come in. Sorry the place is a mess." He was nervous. I could still read him like a book.

"It's okay."

"It's brilliant to have you back. I missed you so much. Are you back for good? Where are you staying? What are you going to do now? Mum will be so delighted you are back. So will Ginny. They all missed you like crazy." He rambled on.

"Slow down George. I'm staying at the Leaky Cauldron for a few nights before I move back in with my Dad." I told him. He nodded. We eased back into a conversation with each other. Talking about what we have been doing for the last six months. I don't know where me and George stand but right now I was glad he didn't slam the door in my face.

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