Not Just a Reserve // O.W

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Oliver Wood


Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

2551 Words

(A/N: I hope this is what you asked for, I actually had a lot of fun writing this one. Oliver's teammate's names are completely made up.

I just wanted to say quickly, I am a huge football fan. I am from the England or the UK, and I watched the final of Euro 2020. I am disappointed that Italy won obviously I am but can anyone else tell me they feel let down by the racist comments that were made to the players because they missed the penalties. I honestly was nearly sick reading some of them. People are people no matter of their race, sexual preference or how they identify themselves. I think everyone is important in this world and no one deserved what those players were subjected to.

Sorry for the small rant but I felt like I needed to make it clear that I support the England squad and the BLM movement as well as any other equality movement. – Ellen x)

*Reader's POV*

I have always loved Quidditch. Both playing and watching. Most of my time at Hogwarts has been spent watching the matches. Charlie Weasley was one of the best Seekers Hogwarts had ever seen. When he left after his seventh year I thought I was finally in for a chance at playing. I was going into my third year and the entire summer I practiced ready to try-out for the team.

When we arrived back at school before try-outs were held, Harry Potter was automatically given the position after McGonagall had seen him on a broom. I was disappointed but didn't let it get me down. I was playing on my own one evening when some of the team who happened to be my friends spotted me. Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson both hurriedly took me to the team Captain, Oliver Wood to tell him of my 'great performance'.

I was appointed as reserve seeker in case Harry couldn't play at any point. It worked out quite well for me because I didn't have to spend every waking moment on the pitch, but I could still attend practices. I didn't play in any matches in my third year but a few months into my fourth we had a match against Slytherin. Harry was sick, just a mild fever and cold from the winter but he was advised not to play until he was better.

Leading up to the match, I had practiced a lot more including some one-to-one with Oliver. Being the reserve seeker meant that as I wasn't playing I could observe the other teams strategies whilst they were playing. Me and Oliver over the last year and few months had spent quite a bit of time creating strategies to help better the team. This lead to a little crush on my part.

I didn't think anything of it, and it wasn't until the extra practices that it started to bother me. I found it difficult to be around him without stuttering and making a fool out of myself. I tried to force myself to practice as I didn't want to disappoint Oliver or the rest of the team on potentially my only chance at playing quidditch.

*Time Skip – Match Day*

Soon enough it was time for the match. Being friends with half the team helped with my nerves but I was still worried I would screw up. Harry was out of bed by now, but he still had a slight fever and wasn't feeling his best. Fred and George convinced him to let me play this one since I had been training for it and had the full ability to breathe.

With words of encouragement, I managed to stomach my food and go to the tent ready for Oliver's pep talk. I barely listened to what Oliver had to say as I was too deep in thoughts.

'What if I screw up? What if I don't catch the snitch? What if I disappoint the team? What if...'

My overthinking was cut short by Oliver finishing his speech. We all stood up and got into position ready to fly out.

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