I Miss Him // F.W

202 6 3

Fred Weasley

Angst with a little fluff

1355 Words

(A/N: The reader is Cedric Diggory's twin sister. Sienna is a random name for Y/N's best friend. For the sake of this one shot you are Hufflepuff. Sorry if you aren't but it makes more sense to the story. I cried whilst writing this one yet it is one of my personal favourites so far. Please comment what you think as your opinions really matters to me. - Ellen x)

Readers Pov:

I felt numb.

Like everything in my world had collapsed.

He was gone.

My twin brother Cedric had died at the hands of Voldemort. I wasn't scared to say his name I was just empty. I had no more tears left to cry. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I just sat looking at the wall of my dorm. It had been a week since it happened, and I hadn't left my dorm. Sienna has been bringing food up to me at every meal, not that I have been eating it, and I had been excused from classes.

Today was the last day of term. Instead of the usual end of year feast, they were doing a memorial for Ced. I didn't particularly want to go but Sienna and Fred convinced me to. Sienna had been sneaking Fred into the Hufflepuff dorms to see me, but I didn't say much to him. I haven't said much to anyone since Ced died. Fred had promised to meet me outside the common room.

I wore a black dress with black flats. I didn't wear any makeup and had my hair down. I didn't put much effort into my appearance because I simply didn't care. Sienna helped me get ready and I went out of my dorm. Not many people were left in the common room but the few people that were still there were staring at me. Sienna wrapped her arm around me and guided me out of the common room.

When we got out, just like promised, Fred was waiting for me. "You okay love?" He asked. I could see the pity in his eyes. I hated it. I just didn't have enough energy to argue with him. I nodded my head and looked at the floor. "Right then shall we?" he asked and offered me his hand. I took it and we made our way to the Great Hall.

Most of the students where already in there and I felt most eyes on me. I was feeling sick, and I couldn't stop shaking. Fred led me to the front of the hall. There were three spare chairs for me, Fred and Sienna. Cho Chang was also sitting at the front with another Ravenclaw student. Behind us on the front row were the rest of the Hufflepuffs. I sat down next to Cho. I didn't know her very well, but Cedric talked about her all the time and I could tell he was in love with her.

Cho gave me a sympathetic smile through her teary eyes. I grabbed her hand and held it. If Cedric loved Cho then I was sure that I could too. It might be selfish, but I wanted to keep hold of everything that reminded me of him. For now, at least. Soon Dumbledore started the ceremony. I didn't really listen to what he had to say even when he told the rest of the school that Voldemort murdered Ced. I already knew this from when me and my Dad rushed forward as Harry came back with Ced's body. Harry told us what happened, and I have no reason not to believe him.

As Dumbledore carried on talking about Cedric, I felt Fred's arm wrap around me. I was glad he was here if not I don't know what I would have done. Eventually, the speech came to an end and the Hall started to empty. I just sat there completely numb. Cho gave me a hug goodbye and promised to write over the summer. I just nodded and gave her an empty smile. Fred and Sienna stayed with me and eventually George joined us. He sat beside me and gave me a small side hug. Even though I didn't say anything I really appreciated it.

The train ride home was quiet. I just sat next to Fred with my head on his shoulder whilst he rubbed my arm comfortingly. I was meant to come to the Burrow but after what happened at the tournament, Fred already told his Mum that I needed to be with my family over the summer and Mrs Weasley fully understood. I soon fell asleep on Fred's shoulder to the gentle whispering of Sienna and George who had sat with us.

*** Three Years Later***

We had finally been called up to fight in the final Battle of the Wizarding War. At Hogwarts. It was ridiculous that a war was being fought at a school. It had been nearly three years since Cedric died and even though life was never the same I was slowly getting better. Fred had helped a lot and after we finished school I even moved in with him and George above their shop.

As we stood in the room of requirement waiting for Harry Potter to arrive, me and Fred became involved in a quiet conversation.

"After this is over I am going to marry you." He whispered to me. I looked up at him shocked.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. Of course, I wanted to marry him I was just surprised he had the same thoughts as I did.

"Yeah, we will buy a house in the countryside, have a couple of kids and we will grow old together. Is that something you want?"

I nodded and then kissed him. Obviously, I wanted a future with this man he had been my rock through everything, and I loved him more than anything.

"Let's win this war then." He grinned. I smiled back and held his hand tightly. We waited until it was time to leave the room of requirement and then altogether we made our way to the Great Hall. Harry confronted Snape and soon the Battle had begun.

Spells were being flown all around and the were terrifying screams. I was separated from Fred and George near the beginning as I was helping the younger years that had managed to stay. We placed them all in the Ravenclaw common room for safety as well as the Hufflepuff.

I don't know how long everyone had been fighting for when I got this terrible gut feeling. I looked to my right and I saw Fred and Percy battling the same person. I saw form the corner of my eye a death eater aiming his wand at the wall behind Fred. Having a big rush of adrenaline, I raced towards Fred in hopes of pushing him out of the way.

However, I wasn't quick enough. Instead of managing to push him out of the way we both ended up underneath the wall.

Dying was peaceful. Even though I was in pain I was still relaxed. I had landed in Fred's arms as we were both battling for consciousness. I could hear Percy screaming both mine and Fred's name. Even though we were relaxed I could feel the tears falling down my face.

"Hey darling we will be together now in peace. Go to sleep love. You will see Ced soon." Fred soothed. I had never seen the Fred Weasley pessimistic but we both knew we were going to die.

"I love you Freddie." I whispered using most of my energy.

"I love you Y/N/N."

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black as I laid in Fred's arms.

3rd Person Pov

As the rubble finally got lifted off of Fred and Y/N. Percy, Oliver Wood and Harry helped to take the bodies back to the Great Hall.

It wasn't until the Battle was finally over that the families could grieve properly. Molly Weasley, George, Amos Diggory and Sienna were leant over the bodies. Amos was crying over his daughter's body; both his children were dead. However, the was a feeling of peace. Y/N was reunited with Cedric and Fred had died a hero's death.

The atmosphere in the Great Hall was quiet. What nobody knew was the souls of those who had died that day we there watching their loved ones. They were all at peace. Just as they go over to the afterlife they remind themselves that they died for a reason. To keep the wizarding world safe.

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