Whose Sister? // D.M + H.P

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Draco Malfoy x Sister! Reader, Harry Potter x Sister! Reader

Fluff, a bit of Angst, Platonic.

Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

1024 Words

(A/N: Sorry that this has taken so long to publish but I haven't had a lot of internet recently and I have been struggling on how to write this. I have also had a few family problems but now that is sorted I should hopefully be updating more. Thank you for being patient and I hope you like it.)

Growing up I always felt out of place. I had brown hair not bleach blonde which is the Malfoy signature colour and I always had different ideas than my twin brother Draco. He would run to our father over every problem whereas I would solve them myself. Draco relied on our parents money and status to get things in life whereas I would look at the person and base them off of their personality rather than blood purity. The final difference between me and my brother was when we were eleven, he was sorted into Slytherin and I was sorted into Gryffindor.

Draco and my father never liked the idea of me being in Gryffindor and I am convinced that the only reason I was not disowned by my father was after my mother persuaded him otherwise. Every Christmas and Summer when I would come home from Hogwarts, my father would remind me of my surname and who I should be associating with.

Now I am in sixth year. I mainly hang around Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, much to Draco's dismay. I never understood why but I have always had a connection to Harry. That's why the more Draco tried to pull me away from my friends the more I would socialise with them. Father didn't like my choice of friends much either so back at the Manor I never mentioned them.

Currently Harry and I are underneath the astronomy tower, and my own twin brother had just tried to kill the Headmaster and Snape had finished the job. I am only here because I saw Draco go up the tower and I followed him. Harry pulled me to the side before I got to the top. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. Death Eaters swarmed Hogwarts, and everything went by in a blur. Harry was comforting me as we silently made our way to find Hermione and Ron.

A few days later, me and Harry were sitting in Dumbledore's office. I was sitting in the corner crying whilst Hermione was comforting me, and Harry was wandering aimlessly around while Ron tried to talk to him. After my shaking calmed down, Hermione got up and noticed the Pensieve in the corner. On the desk there was a vile. The tag attached to the vile read 'Dumbledore's Memory. For Mr H. Potter and Miss Y/I. Malfoy. Please look at this.' Hermione grabbed the vile from off the desk and ran over to the Pensieve. I got up and walked over there with Harry. We both looked in the Pensieve as Hermione poured in the memory.

I had the feeling we were falling and when we landed we were next to a women who looked a lot like me. "That's my Mum Lily." Harry told me as he looked at the woman lying on the floor. "Hagrid gave me a picture during our first year. And the man in the hall is James, my father."

"Lily looks like me." I said. I was thoroughly confused by this point. Just when I thought things couldn't get more confusing they did. We were obviously in Godric's Hollow on the night of Lily and James Potter's murder but why did it concern me. Next to where me and Harry stood was the memory version of McGonagall and Dumbledore.

"Albus, where's the other baby? Harry is here but where is his twin sister? Where is Y/N?" McGonagall spoke.

"I have an idea Minerva. I fear she has been taken by the Malfoy's before we arrived. You know how much they wanted a little girl and now the perfect situation has arisen for them." Dumbledore replied.

"How do you know Albus? How can you be so sure Lucius Malfoy has taken her?" McGonagall asked Dumbledore.

"The Malfoys are the only people working alongside the Dark Lord who would have taken her. All we can do is hope she is safe. For now, let's get baby Harry to his relatives in Little Whinging. He will be alright there."

Suddenly everything started spinning.

We were standing back in Dumbledore's office. I could faintly hear Hermione and Ron ask what me and Harry saw but I was just frozen. I was Harry Potter's long lost twin sister. There was always a legend that said he had a twin, but I never believed it. Everything made sense. The similarities in our looks and our behaviour and our scars. My so-called family always told me that I got my scar from an accident I had as a kid. They never speculated but now I know why.

I turned to Harry and just hugged him. I was crying and I didn't realise that he was as well until I felt tears on the top of my head. I looked at Harry and we both laughed. I couldn't believe it. I felt more of a connection with Harry then I ever had with Draco. I was genuinely happy until I realised something.

"Do you think Draco knew. Father always talked to him in private. You don't think it was about this do you?" I asked Harry. I was worried. I might not be biologically related to Draco, but I still grew up with him. I would like to think that I am close to him.

"I don't know Y/N. Write him a letter and ask him. But I would wait some time. Draco is obviously a Death Eater. You don't want to be associated with him." Hermione suggested.

"Anyway Y/N, let's just enjoy now. Godric knows that we never get to enjoy the simple things in life. We are twins and we can finally enjoy that." Harry stated. "The Malfoy's are not taking you away again. You can stay with me and the Dursleys. I now it is not ideal, but a war is coming, and we need to be prepared for it. Let's defeat Voldemort together."

"Together" I repeated. I finally had the family I always wished for. I just hoped that the people who raised me would see the right side eventually and that they haven't dragged me down with them.

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