I'll Protect You // H.P

244 5 2

Harry Potter

Angst – Fluff

Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

1428 Words

Warnings Mention of Torture.

(A/N: In this one shot it is going to be Y/N that gets tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange not Hermione. Reader is Hermione's twin sister. I changed the ending slightly so instead of going back to the hospital wing in Hogwarts they went back to Shell Cottage. I hope that is alright. Xx)

I always thought that going to Hogwarts with my twin sister Hermione would be the best thing to happen to me. We were both sorted into Gryffindor and both befriended Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. As time went on me and Harry grew closer and by our fourth year I had developed feelings for him. I had fancied him since we met on the Hogwarts Express first year but who really knows what love is at eleven.

All the way throughout my time at Hogwarts both me and Hermione were bullied by one Draco Malfoy. Me more so than Hermione due to the fact I was too shy to stand up for myself. In our third year Hermione landed a punch straight to his nose. After that he laid off of her a bit but his bullying attempts on me never ceased. Every time that Draco or his goons came up to me though Harry was never far behind. He always protected me and even made sure that I was hardly on my own. His kindness made me fall for him even harder.

Rolling round to just before our seventh year and Hermione, Harry and I attended Ron's older brother Bill's wedding. Everything was going smoothly. It was a beautiful ceremony and a cheerful atmosphere. Harry had asked me to dance and just as we were about to step out onto the dancefloor, Kingsley Shacklebolts' Patronus came crashing though the tent. The Minister of Magic had died, and the ministry had fallen.

Me, Hermione, Harry and Ron had left the Burrow ready to search for Horcruxes whilst the rest of the guests at Bill's wedding were fighting Death Eaters. The quest for the Horcruxes was anything but easy. Firstly, we had to find a locket. Regulus Black was the last one known to have the locket, so we started at 12 Grimmauld Place. We eventually traced it to our old Professor, Professor Umbridge after Mundungus Fletcher stole it. We broke into the Ministry and stole the locket of Umbridge disguised as ministry workers. Harry nearly got killed as we tried to escape, and Ron had been splinched as Hermione apparated us away.

After Ron had recovered we all took turns wearing the locket. However, due to part of Voldemort's soul being inside the Horcrux, the locket caused the wearer to become angry and suspicious. Hermione discovered that we needed to find the Sword of Godric Gryffindor as when Harry killed the Basilisk in our second year, the sword now contained the venom. The venom that could destroy the horcruxes. Ron and Harry ended up having an argument and Ron accused Harry and Hermione of dating. He left us the night of his accusation and it left Hermione heartbroken. I wore the locket next. My fight with Hermione wasn't as big as the one between Ron and Harry. Hermione knew I liked Harry, so she assured me that nothing was going on between them. As the days passed we found a weird symbol in the book Dumbledore gave to Hermione that Harry had seen before around Xenophilius Lovegood's neck during Bill and Fleur's wedding.                            

In the following weeks and months, we travelled everywhere we could to try to find the Sword of Gryffindor. We searched Godric's Hollow on Christmas Eve more specifically the home Bathilda Bagshot. However, Bathilda is Nagini, Voldemort's snake who tries to kill Harry. Hermione saved Harry whilst I was in a state of panic. Harry's wand gets broken in the process. The Sword of Gryffindor isn't in Godric's Hollow.

As Hermione had erased our parents memory of us they didn't know we existed but Hermione apparated us to the place they used to take us camping as kids. It brought back a lot of memories and both me and Hermione were upset. Whilst me and Hermione are asleep, Harry and Ron had somehow found the Sword of Gryffindor at the bottom of some lake. Upon seeing Ron, Hermione proceeds to hit and shout at him. He then spouts her some rubbish about Dumbledore's deluminator leading him to her. I am just angry at Ron for hurting my sister but glad he isn't dead. He might be an arse but at least he was an alive arse.

We then visited Xenophilius Lovegood, who is acting strangely. He tells us of the Deathly Hallows and the tale of the three brothers. Mr Lovegood's strange behaviour is because the Death Eaters have kidnapped Luna and are holding her for ransom of Harry Potter. The snatchers are soon after us and Hermione casts a stinging jinx to allow the snatchers to not recognise him.

That leads us to where the four of us are currently. We are at Malfoy Manor waiting for Draco Malfoy to identify Harry. Instead of the cruel look I am used to him wearing, he is sporting a scared look. Bellatrix soon spots the sword that one of the snatchers is holding. Bellatrix soon starts screeching to which I flinch. That was my big mistake. However, when Hermione and Ron are taken to the basement along with Harry, I realise that I am on my own with a bunch of dangerous death eaters.

Soon Bellatrix is laying over me, carving the word 'mudblood' into my arm with a magical dagger. The pain is unbearable, and Bellatrix doesn't stop until Harry, Ron, Hermione and Dobby break out of the basement where they are being kept.

"Y/N? Y/N can you hear me?" I can hear Hermione's voice over me. I flutter my eyelids, but I can't move due to the pain. Soon everything goes dark.

When I wake up I have Hermione and Bill's wife Fleur standing over me. Bill is standing in the doorway and Ron is sitting in a chair on the other side of the room.

"Y/N! Thank goodness you are awake. I thought I lost you." I heard Hermione cry. I smiled at her and tried to sit up, but Fleur gently pushed me down telling me not to move.

"Good to see you awake Y/N." Bill spoke. "Don't worry you are safe now. Harry is downstairs. Unfortunately, we have had to bury Dobby. He died saving you. Proper hero that elf."

I frowned at hearing about Dobby's death, and I saw Hermione crying silently.

"Can you go get Harry please? I need to tell him something." I asked quietly.

"Sure." Bill replied. He and Fleur then left the room.

A few minutes later Harry came into the room. Hermione and Ron left to give us some privacy.   

"I am so glad you are awake. I don't know what I would do without you. I promise from now on I will always protect you." He confessed. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

"You haven't lost me yet Harry. I don't plan on going anywhere just yet." I told him. He gripped my hand tighter and took a deep breath.

"Look Y/N, I am just going to say this because you nearly died, and I can't go another day without telling you how I feel. Who knows what is to come during this war and you need to know this." He took another deep breath and continued. "Y/N/N I have liked you since I met you on the train to Hogwarts. You are one of my best friends and I probably wouldn't have survived Hogwarts without you. You know with all the assassination attempts and everything. What I am trying to say though is that I am in love with you, and I hope that you feel the same towards me because I can't live without you."

When he finished I smile at him and slowly sat up. "I have loved you for as long as I have known how to." A look of relief washed over his face and he gently moved forward. He kissed me with all the passion in the world and even though we eventually had to pull away for oxygen. I couldn't help but lean forward again. When we finally stopped kissing I spoke again. "Bit dramatic don't you think Potter, you wouldn't have died if I weren't there just maybe have been seriously injured." He laughed at my statement.

"All we need to do now is get your twin sister and our oblivious best friend together."

I laughed at this and kissed him again. I was wrong when I said going to Hogwarts was the best day of my life. Despite being tortured,this had to be the best thing to ever happen to me.

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