Stay With Me. Pt2 // G.W

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George Weasley


1083 Words

A few months had passed since I returned from America and George and I had decided to remain friends. I had moved in with my Dad in the Norfolk countryside. It gave me the space I still needed but I was able to see George frequently. I often visited to the shop as I worked in a small bakery on Diagon Alley.

Me, George, Fred and Angelina often went out together for a drink at the Leaky Cauldron and this afternoon was no different. The afternoon started out alright and we were all talking about the pranks Fred and George carried out back at Hogwarts. Conversation then moved to Fred and Angelina's relationship. They were coming up to four years since they started dating. It made me think that George and I would be celebrating five years in three months if I hadn't gone to America.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom. It was getting too much, sitting next to George as just friends. I had no right to say anything it was my fault we broke up in the first place and I couldn't blame him for just wanting to be friends when I broke his heart. I just wanted George back.

A few minutes later, Angelina came in the bathroom with a look on her face saying, 'I know you still love him'. I took one look at her before I burst into tears. "Oh Y/N!" Angelina exclaimed as I did.

"I know I have no right to cry and ask for him back, but I still love him so much. I never wanted any of this to happen." I cried and Angelina wrapped her arms around me.

"I know, I know." She soothed. "You needed time to grieve Y/N. No one blames you for that and I know that George still loves you too. You need to speak to him tell him how you feel."

"I don't know Ange; I don't have the right to miss him. I left. I decided to go to America. He begged me to stay, and I went anyway. He might still love me but that doesn't mean he wants me anymore." I argued. Angelina sighed.

"Well why don't you speak to him about it, just ask him if he wants to remain friends for good or if there is any chance of getting back together in the future." Angelina was doing her best to comfort me. "And Y/N, you do have the right to miss him and want him back. You didn't leave to hurt him you left because you needed to. As I said no one blames you, not even George. He understood why you left, and he wouldn't stop asking if I had heard anything from you. George cares about you so even if he does want to stay friends, you'll never lose him."

I nodded. Deep down I knew she was right but even if George didn't blame me for leaving, I blame myself for hurting him. "Ange, can you make some excuse for me, tell the boys I am ill or something. I need some time to think."

"Yeah of course." She agreed. She let go of me and I went out of the pub into muggle London. As I wandered around, I thought about everything Angelina had said. It was true, I didn't leave to hurt George. I left for me. She was also right in saying that I needed to tell him how I felt, or at least talk to him about it. Deep down I knew George would never hate me for leaving, he wasn't that type of person.

It was dark by the time I decided what I was going to do. I remember that Angelina said Fred was staying round hers tonight so George would have the flat to himself. I went to the door beside the shop that went straight up to the flat and knocked. A few minutes later George answered. He was wearing his pyjamas and a large smile. I was so nervous, but I knew we would have to have this conversation at some point.

"Hey George, I know it is getting late, but can we talk?"

"Sure come in. Ange told us you weren't feeling well earlier. Are you feeling better now?"

"A little yeah. George I need to ask you something, but I want you to know that there isn't any pressure." I took at deep breath and watched as he sat down on the couch and gestured for me to do the same. "I still love you. Merlin I am still head over heels in love with you and I have no right to ask for you back after I left but is there any chance that we could still have a future together?"

George's eyes went wide, and I prepared myself for rejection. He stood up and faced away from me. I waited a minute and just as I was about to tell him to forget I ever said anything, he turned around and spoke.

"I think there can be. If we work hard enough I think that we could have a future. I still love you too."

"Can I hug you?" I asked. I suddenly felt more confident.

"How about a kiss instead?" he replied. I grinned and practically ran over to him. I smashed our lips together. This kiss was so much more than our last one. It was desperate and needy like we hadn't seen each other in years. Our lips fit together like a puzzle and I never wanted to break apart. Eventually we both figured out that oxygen was necessary, so we broke apart.

"I'm never leaving again. I never want to be apart from you again." I mumbled as our lips kept colliding.

"Good I'm not letting you go again I need you." He breathed.

We ended the night cuddled up together in his bed. I soon drifted off to sleep in his arms I finally felt home.


I woke up with a start, still in George's arms, due to a flash. Fred was standing over us with a camera and a grin. "I saw your coat on the couch and wondered if you were still here. Looks like you are."

George, who was also now awake, threw a pillow at Fred and yelled for him to get out. Once he had left I snuggled back into George, trying to cherish every single moment I had with him.

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