The Secrets We Keep // D.M

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Draco Malfoy

Fluff + Angst

Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

836 Words

(A/N: I am so sorry this took so long to write. I honestly didn't know where to start with this. I hope this is what you asked for. It is quite short, but I actually liked this one. This doesn't exactly follow the storyline but is a bit added in the middle. Requests are still open.)

*Reader's POV*

Being a Muggleborn is hard. Especially when I am in love with a Pure-Blood. Me and Draco Malfoy have been dating since our third year. I was helping him recover from being 'attacked' by Buckbeak. Of course, I think he was being overdramatic, but I wasn't going to pass up on the opportunity to help my injured crush. We both confessed our feelings for each other shortly after. 

Me and Draco decided to keep our relationship a secret. For me this was because being best friends with Harry Potter and dating someone he was convinced was the 'enemy' didn't mix well. For Draco it was because of his family. Where blood purity mattered. We decided it was best to keep it on the down low for now.

*Time Skip – Sixth Year*

I was walking through Hogsmeade when it happened. There was black smoke all around me one moment and the next me, Hermione, Harry and Ron were all standing in a darkly lit hall. We had Death Eaters surrounding us.

"Draco told us about you. Darling Y/N." One of them cackled. I recognised her as Bellatrix Lestrange. Draco's Aunt. "Well don't be shy. Come to us girl."

I stayed where I was. I dare not speak or move. Another Death Eater pushed me towards her. I turned around to see and very distraught Draco being restrained and the other three being dragged away.

"Shouldn't we kill Potter whilst we have him?" The Death Eater who pushed me spoke.

"Not yet. We shall wait for the Dark Lord's orders first." A voice spoke. He removed his mask and revealed himself as Lucius Malfoy. "First we need the girl."

I was thoroughly confused. Why did they want me?

"Now girl. Our Draco tells us that you are the one he loves. Is that true?" Bellatrix questioned. I merely nodded. I looked at the ground begging the tears not to fall.

"Pathetic. Loving a mere Mudblood such as you?" Another Death Eater questions. I can hear Draco screaming in the back.

"Take him out of here." Lucius shouted. Draco was dragged away kicking and yelling. "Now Bellatrix, if you will." Bellatrix walked towards me.


*Draco's POV*

I could hear her screaming in pain. This was all my fault. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't join them because of her. She would never forgive. I never thought my own father would go this far.

"You can make all this stop Draco." My mother whispered to me. I had tears of fear streaming down my face. "You can prevent her from getting hurt. Join us. They will leave her alone if you join us." Her words, of comfort contrasts her intentions.

I shook my head. Y/N/N wouldn't want me to join him.

Fifteen minutes had passed but it felt like hours. I could hear her shrieking. I hadn't realised until this moment that I am in the same room as Harry, Hermione and Ron. Normally I couldn't stand them but right now with the love of my life in danger I needed them to help me.

Eventually Y/N's cries died down. I took this opportunity to think straight. I looked towards my mother and nodded my head. "I'll join you." She gave a small smile and allowed the Death Eaters to let us go.

I motioned for the other three to follow me as I went back into the main hall. I stopped in the doorway just as Bellatrix raised her wand at Y/N for a second round of torture. Y/N had blood all around her and she was laying barely conscious on the floor.

*Reader's POV*

I saw Bellatrix raise her wand again and braced myself. Instead of pain I hear shouting. I don't have the strength to find out where it was coming from before everything goes black.

*A Few Hours Later*

I woke up to bright lights. My first thought was I died. Then I felt something heavy on my hand and small whispers around me. I struggled to open my eyes, but I soon recognised the voices. Draco and my friends in the same room? Not arguing?

Eventually they noticed me waking up. "Y/N? Thank goodness you are awake. We thought we lost you." A very worried Hermione spoke. I smiled up at them.

"Hey darling. How are you feeling?" Draco whispered.

"I don't know. I feel very sore, but I think I am alright." I told him truthfully.

"Good" He whispered back.

"Look Y/N we owe you an apology." Harry said softly.

"Yeah sorry you felt like you couldn't tell us about your relationship." Ron carried on.

"We just want you to know that we have seen how happy you two are together and that you don't have to hide anything from us anymore. We are here for you Y/N/N." Hermione finished.

"Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me. To us." I smiled. I pulled Draco into a hug. Just happy that we all made it out alive.

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