Because I Love You... // P.W

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Percy Weasley


872 Words

I was walking the corridors of Hogwarts with my fellow prefect and best friend Percy Weasley. Me and Percy had been friends since our first year here and I would be lying if I said that now we are in our sixth year I didn't have a crush on the boy. I never have said anything to him about liking him out of fear that it would ruin our friendship.

Whist we were walking around the corridors we were in a light discussion about our futures. Percy wants to work in the Ministry of Magic. I, however, wouldn't mind running a shop on Diagon Alley. A bookshop. I have always imagined what it would be like especially at the beginning of each year with students coming into buy books for school.

Percy didn't think that it was a very good career choice, but he supported the idea of me doing something I loved over having a job for the money.

"All I am saying Y/N is that maybe you should look into getting a job at the Ministry first so you can save up to start your own business." Percy suggested for the eighth time today.

"Well, my Dad owns a shop in the muggle world so I can work for him to save up the money." I replied getting tired of going over the same points over and over again.

"But if you work in the muggle world I won't see you as often. It's hard finding time to see you here when we are in the same castle." He moaned.

"Percy, we don't have to worry about that yet. Let's enjoy our final years here first and see where life takes us."

We were about to come round the last corner for tonight when we heard a noise. Using his Gryffindor courage Percy grabbed my hand and stepped in front of me. As we walked around the corner we saw Fred and George standing there like deer caught in headlights.

"What are you two doing outside the Gryffindor Common Room at this hour." Percy questioned them. Being friends with Percy for five and a half years meant I could tell the twins apart.

"Well dearest brother of our and lovely Y/N.." Fred started.

"We were obviously just standing here hoping to get caught." George finished. Sarcasm evident on his voice.

"Sorry boys but we are going to have to take ten house points each and you both have detention with Professor McGonagall tomorrow evening after dinner." I told them.

"What, come on Perce, you wouldn't take points from your own house would you?" Fred asked.

"Well Fred, I am not the one taking points. Y/N is and considering she is a Y/H/N I am sure she isn't bothered about taking points. If you behaved for once rather than acting like a pair of prats then you could earn them back." Percy replied. He was used to having to deal with his idiotic brothers. Normally I thought Fred and George were quite fun to be around, just not at 12am.

"Back to your dorm boys. You have a full day of lessons tomorrow. Not that you put in the effort anyway." I told them and pointed in the direction of the Gryffindor Common Room. They sighed and walked to the Common Room. After they had gone Percy spoke up again.

"I suppose we should head to bed too now as our patrol is over. We do have a busy day tomorrow and I have to start an essay in the morning which I might start tonight. Patrol didn't take as long as I though it would."

"It's not morning yet Perce. Relax for the rest of the night." I told him.

"Why do you care Y/N? You are the same, but I bet you finished the essay due next week, last week." He asked.

"You are going to tire yourself out Percy." I spoke.

"I'll ask again Y/N. Why do you care." He pressed.

"Because you are my best friend and because I love you." I mumbled the last part hoping he wouldn't hear. But due to the corridors being so quiet and us standing so close I wasn't in luck.

"W-wait you l-love me-e?" he asked quietly. I just sighed and nodded. I prepared myself for rejection, but he didn't say anything.

"Look I shouldn't have said anything. I'll see you tomorrow Percy." I whispered and started to walk away. Then something happened that I never expected. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him.

"I love you too Y/N. I never said anything because I never thought someone like you could never like someone like me as more than a friend and I would rather be your friend then lose you altogether." He said whilst looking into my eyes.

I didn't say anything. I stood up on my toes and kissed him. He was taken back a bit but kissed back after a second. I smiled into the kiss finally happy that I didn't have to hide my feelings for him anymore. After a few minutes we pulled away for air.

"Y/N would you be my girlfriend and accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend." Percy asked.


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