Coronavirus Headcanons // Weasley Sister

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Weasley Sister! Reader

Coronavirus AU!

390 Words

(A/N: This doesn't follow the Harry Potter storyline. Set in Harry Potter's second year. its not specific but can be read a Weasley Sister! so I have put it. I have been shielding due to a member of my household being vulnerable and I got this idea whilst sitting around doing nothing. It is basically what I think would happen if Hogwarts got put on Lockdown.)

· Within a week in everyone would be going mad

· Houses would be lockdown together

· The Gryffindor common room would be a base for Fred and George to sell their products

· That would annoy the hell out of Percy

· Who would complain to you

· Then you would have Ron

· Who would spend the entire time moaning that he was hungry

· Or bored

· Or both

· Poor Ginny

· Her first year of Hogwarts and she is stuck

· Then the rumours

o 'I heard that if we aren't out of lockdown then we wont be able to go home.'

o 'I heard that Snape caught the Coronavirus'

o 'I heard there was a Hufflepuff that went streaking in the hallway in protest'

· You are the year above the twins and a year below Percy

· First year as a prefect

· The prefects would be assigned to ensure that lockdown rules were being followed.

· The lessons wouldn't be cancelled

· To everyone's dismay

· They would be staged so houses couldn't mix

· So was breakfast, lunch and dinner

· Happiness about not having to see Slytherin

· Or Malfoy in Ron and Harry's case

· Homework would be heavier due to not being in lessons as often

· More moaning from Ron

· Hermione was upset as she was getting through the homework too quickly

· McGonagall would come in often to check on everyone.

· The Fat Lady under strict instruction not to let anyone in or out unless McGonagall says so.

· Obviously, all trips to Hogsmeade cancelled

· McGonagall would take orders and go to Hogsmeade herself (with all the right PPE)

· She would collect Quills

o Ink

o Parchment

o Books

o Anything necessary

· However, Fred and George's request for prank products was denied

· And Honeydukes sweets

· Again, causing complaints

o 'But that is monstrous'

o 'denying us sweets and prank items'

o 'How do you sleep at night?'

· Oliver Wood complaining about no Quidditch

· Percy Complaining that he can't do all his prefect duties

· This prompted Professor McGonagall to allow him more duties inside the common room

o Bedtimes

o Homework being completed

o Make sure no one is sneaking out

· The Twins complaining that they have run out of people to prank

· So, they target Percy and Ron

· You try to protect Ginny from it. Not wanting to ruin her first year anymore

· Basically, there would be complete chaos and stress

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