J.G - Peanut The Puppy

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Gilinsky imagine where you two buy a puppy.

- (Y/N's POV) -

"Jack." I call from the bedroom, placing my laptop on the bed in front of me.

"Yeah babe?" He replies, appearing in the doorway with his black t-shirt on and grey sweats - a simple look but he makes it look a million dollars worthy.

"You love me right?" I innocently grin, batting my long eyelashes at him.

"Of course I do, what's this about Y/N?" He questions, sighing dramatically as he walks into our bedroom, sitting beside my laptop. I put it on his lap and make him look at the baby Labrador on the screen which is up for sale on the local pet store's website. "Y/N I don't know, we don't-"

"But Jacky look how adorable he is, he can we our little baby for the time being," I push the laptop away and straddle his lap, resting my arms around his neck. "He'll guard the house when we're not in and he can entertain us, I'll take him to house training classes and I'll pay, you don't even have to worry about anything, I'll look after him."

"Y/N-" he sighs as he says my name but I cut him off.

"Pretty please Jack, I get lonely when you're in the studio, he'll keep me company." I beg, kissing up his neck, to his jaw, to his cheek and finally his lips.

He thinks for a few moments before sighing and patting my back. "Fine, we can get the dog and I'll pay but I'm not looking after it, it's your dog and you can run around after it." He sternly says, I roll my eyes and giggle.

"Keep that promise to yourself Gilinsky."


Jack opens the door and shuts it with his foot, his arms full with dog food and toys. "Be free, be wild." I cheer as I let the puppy down on the floor to sniff about the house and get used to it, before leaving we checked it was safe so we've got nothing to worry about.

"I'll put these on the table and the we're going to cuddle because I'm such an amazing boyfriend, plus we need to name him." He says, walking down the hallway to the kitchen. I find our puppy in the living room, half under the couch with his little butt sticking out.

"Aw my little baby," I speak like a baby, picking him up to place him on my lap and sit down in front of the tv to wait for Jack to join us. "You're so cute!"

I really feel like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich right now, I haven't eat anything since breakfast...

"So what are we naming him?" Jack asks as he jumps onto the couch beside me, placing his arm around my shoulders to pull me close to his warm chest.

"Peanut." I respond, blushing afterwards.

"You're hungry aren't you?" Jack raises his eyebrow at me, petting Peanut's head.

I nod my head sheepishly, giggling like a little school girl who had been caught. "Thank you so much Jack." I smile gratefully, lifting my head up to kiss him. He kisses back until Peanut barks which startles the both of us.

"Damn dog." Jack laughs, petting our baby's head again.

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