D.L - Movie Night.

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--Y/N's POV--

"Daddy Daddy Daddy!" Our little bundle of joy hops from the living room, her toothless grin making my heart melt as the seconds tick by.

"Wassup' princess?" Derek asks, picking our little girl up. "Baby you got chocolate all around your mouth." He states, chuckling as he licks his thumb and wipes around Sophie's mouth.

"I wanna' watch movies Daddy, lots of movies with lots of cuddles." She squeals, waving her arms around, whacking Derek's head in the process.

"Ouch baby." He mutters, rubbing his head with his free hand.

"Sorry Daddy," she pouts, delicately kissing his head. "Can we can we can we?" She continues with excitement, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck.

Derek looks to me, his bottom lip stuck out. "Mommy, Daddy has to go to the studio." He mentions, batting his eyelashes at me.

I roll my eyes; Derek hates calling the guys to tell them he won't be dropping by the studio, but they don't argue with me - what I say goes.

"Well, Daddy will have to call the guys himself...he's a big boy." I chuckle, walking over to the loves of my life. I take Sophie out of his arms and kiss her cheek, setting her on my left hip.

"Please, Y/N, you know how they are." He groans, following me out of the kitchen as I carry Sophie to the living room.

"No Derek." I smirk, using my stern tone. I settle Sophie on the couch beneath her blanket before sinking down beside her and letting her cuddle up to my side.

"Aw look at that," Derek gushes, snapping the moment in a picture on his phone. "My two favourite girls, my worlds." He grins, laying on the other side of our beautiful daughter. Picking up the remote control, Sophie tells me what movies she wants to watch and I put them on for her.

"Mommy, please call uncle Skatey and tell him Daddy isn't coming." Sophie grins up at me, Derek snuggles up to her and kisses her head - he told her to say that.

"You're a sly man Derek." I laugh, shaking my head as I reach into my sweatpants pocket and collect my phone to call Nate.

"Yo, Y/N, where's yo' man at?" He laughs down from the other end; I know he's getting high.

"He's staying home tonight, sorry guys." I inform, looking over at Derek who's settled for running his fingers through Sophie's curls as they both watch Frozen.

"Aye what the fuck bro, hey J...Luh ain't comin' tonight," he calls into the background. "Are you sure Y/N?"

"Yeah I'm sure Nate, Sophie wants him to stay home and watch movies so he's gonna' chill with us for tonight," I tell him. "I'll make sure he drops by first thing tomorrow though." I smirk, watching as Derek looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"Please, no." He whispers, groaning as Sophie giggles for her daddy's despair.

"Ight Y/N, the guys send their love," he chuckles. "Luh you get yo' ass in the studio first thing!" He shouts, loud enough for Derek to hear.

"You're a sly woman Y/N." Derek pouts, burying his face in Sophie's comfort.

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