D.L - Relapse.

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• Can I get an imagine of Derek we fight but then get back together.

• Can I get a Derek Luh imagine where Y/N finds out he's on drugs & confronts him about it and they get in a big argument about it & then they make up? Love your imagines btw!! 😍💖

-- Y/N's POV --

Taking over my phone, tweets flood in from my boyfriend's fans about him relapsing on drugs. My heart sinks. He didn't tell me. I didn't know. How do they know?

I call Derek right away and ask him to come home from the studio, stating I need to talk to him.

Whilst waiting for him to return home, I pace along the floor boards in the living room, wondering why he would not tell me of his troubles. Why I didn't know sooner. Why I had to find out from his fans. I'm his girlfriend, I should be the first to know.

"Baby, what's up?" Derek calls throughout our shared home, closing the front door behind him.

He walks into the room and smiles when he sees me. Now that I stare at him intently, I notice his skin has paled by quite a bit, the bags under his eyes have darkened. Why didn't I notice sooner?

Tears fill up in my eyes, I sink down on the couch and cover my face with my hands whilst I cry. The couch sinks beside me, his arm snakes around me to pull me closer to him. "Mami, what's wrong? What happened? Why are you crying?" He asks, panicked.

"Why didn't y-you tell me?" I manage to utter, pulling away from him.

"Tell you what? Y/N. Tell you what?" He asks impatiently, pulling my hands away from my face.

"That you relapsed, what the fuck Derek?! We tell eachother everything. I wasn't there to help you!" I stand up, distancing myself from him because I know how he likes to make me forget what we're arguing about, make me feel like it's not a big deal...but this is.

"I didn't need your help, I didn't want to disappoint you. You know how hard it is to admit my feelings and let my emotions out. You were always busy at work, I didn't want be a distraction to you." He argues, raising his voice by a small bit.

"Derek you know I would and always will put you before anything in this world, you are my world! Stop making out like I would have shrugged you off to the side, I would have done everything I could've to help you. You didn't even try to confront me! Every time I asked how your day went you could've just opened up to me just a little bit, you couldn't said you had a bit of shit day...I would have helped you Derek!" I yell, wiping my eyes.

His face scrunches up in frustration. "I'm not your fucking responsibility, I'm a man! I can look after myself-"

"Obviously not if this is happening." I interrupt.

We stand there in silence for a few seconds, just glaring at eachother. "Whatever." He suddenly says, snatching his car keys from the coffee table.

I let him go for as long as I can before running after him, shouting for him to come back.

We shouldn't be fighting about this. He's not proud of what he did. He needs my support, not my lecturing.

"Derek, please, just come back." I yell after him, running down the porch steps towards his car on the driveway.

He climbs into the car and slams the door shut just as I reach him. I bang on the window repeatedly as he acts as if I'm not there. "Derek open the door," I yell. "Open the fucking door." I yell again, kicking his car door before he starts the engine and backs off of the driveway.

I huff in annoyance and follow the car, running as far as I can before I grow exhausted. Stopping in the middle of the road, I run my hands down my face and groan in frustration.

I always take the wrong approach with him.

Just as I turn around to make my way back to the house, the black car stops and Derek climbs out. He stands there for a moment or two before holding his arms out wide to his sides; a gesture I know too well.

Even though I am breathless, even though I am tired, even though I have ran enough, I run to him. I run as fast as I can into his arms and hug squeeze him tightly. "Look, I'm sorry I never told you okay? I don't know why I did it and I'm not going to disrespect you and make up stupid excuses because it's my own fault, but I haven't done it since that night because I knew if and when you found out you'd be mad. I don't want to hurt you, and just thinking about you motivated me enough not to take it any further. You've kept me clean all this time, I need you and I don't want to fight so I'm sorry." He cups my face and kisses me passionately, stroking his thumbs over my cheeks.

"I'm sorry for reacting like that, you need my support not my lecture. Let's just forget about this and focus on you moving on from this. But please promise me you will talk to me when you feel like doing that shit again." I hold my pinky up to him.

He smiles and wraps his pinky around my awaiting one. "I promise so long as you don't kick my car again; for one, you could have broken your foot and for two, you could have dented my door." He chuckles, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to hug me again.

I giggle, hugging him back. "It did kinda' hurt." I admit.

"Okay now let's go home and cuddle." He smiles, walking me to the passenger side to close my door after me and then drive us back the short distance home.

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