J.F - Nate Girl

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Can I have one with Foushee? Like I'm dating him but I'm a "Nate's girl" (because cmon he's the best) and one day we go to a party and me and Nate start a conversation and Jake thinks that I have a crush with him and he's all jealous and hurt and try to argue but I tell him he's the one? (If you do smut can you put a little bit too?) thanks and I love your tumblr!

-- (Y/N's POV) --

"Are you okay waiting here whilst I go get a drink?" Jake asks, I nod my head and take a sip of my own drink whilst standing in the living room full of teens. My boyfriend and I were invited to Jack Johnson's house party, of course we'd go to a Omaha Squad party.

Jake walks off and I continue to people watch, cringing when I see a red head vomiting in the corner of the room. "Not a party girl?" I hear somebody ask, I look to the side and see Nate Maloley.

Act casual Y/N.

"Not at all," I shake my head, smiling at him. "I don't do parties." I laugh.

"I don't believe we've met, I'm Nate." He states, offering me a polite handshake which I take almost immediately.

"Y/N, I've heard your music, I love it." I smile sweetly as his cheeks turn a light shade of pink and his eyes widen.

"Wait your Foushee's girl right?" He asks, I roll my eyes.

"I prefer to be recognised as Y/N but Foushee's girl will do fine." I giggle.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were really hot so I thought I'd have a chance, sorry." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Don't be, don't let my relationship change your opinion on me," I tell him, bumping my shoulder with his in a playful way. "I'm hot and I know it." I giggle innocently.

"You got that right," he nods, looking me up and down slowly, letting his eyes linger on my exposed long legs. "Anyway, where is Foush?" He asks.

"Uh getting a drink, he should he back in a few minutes." I shrug, bringing my drink to my lips to finish the last of it.

The conversation flows easily, Nate better than I thought when I imagined meeting him. I've always been a fan of his music, Jack and Jack's too, and Sammy, but I've always been a Skate girl deep down. I mean come on, he's hot as hell but cute and adorable at the same time.

"Y/N?" I hear somebody call, I look over my shoulder and see Jake walk up to Nate and I, a frown on his face.

"Foush man! What's up?" Nate smiles, patting Jake on the shoulder.

Jake shrugs. "Y/N can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the front door without a response.

"What the hell was that Jake? You didn't even give me a chance-"

"Why are you speaking to Nate?" He asks as we step out into the nights air on the front porch.

"Because I can't speak to who I want Jake." I reply, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You have a crush on him Y/N! I'm your boyfriend, I walked off for a few minutes and return to see you talking with your crush, like what the fuck? How else am I supposed to react?" He asks, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.

"Uh like any other normal person would perhaps? Don't go all moody and shit and drag me away, do you know how rude you looked back there?" I question, placing my hand on my hip.

"I don't care how rude I looked, your my girlfri-"

"Oh so that's your problem? You're jealous because I'm speaking to a guy who I have no chance with and no interest in because I already have a amazing boyfriend who I love and would do anything for?" I yell, my hands clench into fists by my sides.


"No fuck off Jake, I do everything and anything for you and what I get in return is shit? Huh? You don't trust me, you're acting as if I'm gonna' jump on him and run away. I'd never do that to you Jake, you're the one I love." His face softens, I know he's sorry.

"Y/N I'm sorry okay? I just loose my shit when you're speaking to other guys because I know you could do better than me-"

"Don't go there Jake, just take me back in there and speak to Nate, you completely ignored him." I order, crossing my arms as he steps closer to me and places his hands on my hips.

"I want a kiss first baby, I love you too but hear me out," I raise my eyebrow at him to continue. "You're beautiful, smart, perfect and just any guy's dream and me, I'm just Jake. You could do a million times better than me and I can't help being insecure when you're speaking to guys, especially a guy you're crushing on." He sighs, resting his forehead against mine.

"I'm not crushing on him Jake, okay he's my favourite in the squad but that doesn't mean anything. I have my man in front of me and as long as I have that then I'm good, you're the one Jake, nobody else so stop being so insecure. Got it?" I cup his face in my hands and connect our lips.

"Definitely, now let's go baby." He smiles, lacing our hands as we walk back into the house to dance and apologise to Nate.

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