N.M - Studio Behavior

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Can u do an imagine of how Nate acts in the studio when y/n is there

-- (Y/N's POV) --

I decided to surprise Nate, my boyfriend of 3 years, at the studio today. He's been really busy lately and we haven't seen each other as much as I'm happy with so I took a day off work to surprise him.

I knock on the studio door and wait for somebody to answer. "Hey! Y/N, what's up?" Sammy answers, pulling me into a big bear hug.

"Not much Sammy how are you?" I giggle, closing the door behind me, smiling as I hear music coming from the other end of the short hallway.

"Good, I haven't seen you for a while, are you here to surprise Nate?" He asks, raising his eyebrow at me. I bite my lip and nod my head and follow him. Before we reach the actual studio, he holds his finger to his lips and indicates for me to be quiet and stay right where I am.

"Who was it?" I hear Nate ask, I hold in my mischievous giggle.

"Oh nobody, your turn in the booth Skate." Sammy cheers him on, I peek around the door and see him get up and enter the booth. The song begins and he starts his verses.

Sammy pulls me into the room, I say hi to the rest of the guys and stand in front of the door. The booth window is tinted in the inside so he can't see me thankfully. He's too focused on his rapping to realise somebody opened the door and stepped in, that somebody being me.

I tip toe behind him and ravel my arms around his waist, he stiffens at first but once he realises it's me he stops and turns around to hug me. "Baby I missed you, what are you doing here?" He chuckles, lifting me off my feet in his arms and kissing me.

"To surprise you, we haven't saw enough of each other lately, I missed you too much," I tell him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry if I've put you off your work-"

"Don't be silly Y/N, I mean, there's nothing I want more than to take you home and cuddle for hours on end but I can last a couple hours until we finish this song." He says, kissing my face repeatedly.

He goes ahead and finishes his verses with my arms around his waist from behind and immediately pulls me out to the producing room where the rest of the guys are waiting. Sammy goes into the booth for his turn and Nate and I sit on the couch. He pulls me onto his lap and nestles his head in the crook of my neck, kissing my skin ever so softly, teasing me. "Hold on baby, I gotta piss." He announces, making me laugh. He slides out from beneath me and goes to do his business at the same time as Sammy exits the booth.

"One thing I've noticed about Nathan Maloley is that he loves you more than his work." Sam laughs, plopping down beside me.

"That's not true, he loves his work to death." I scoff, shaking my head at him.

"But he loves you more, he was so stressed out before you came, I wanted to straight up slap him at one point because he was getting worked up over one line. But when you arrived he chilled out, you're good for him Y/N." Sam tells me, instantly bringing heat to my cheeks and a flutter to my heart.

"You think?" I question.

"I don't think, I know." He replies. Nate walks back in, drying his hands on his jeans before picking me up and placing me back down on his lap.

"You know what?" He asks innocently, looking between Sammy and I.

"Nothing Skate, nothing at all." Sam smirks, winking at me. I blush and rest my head on Nate's shoulder.

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