C.D - Collab With Miracle/Smut.

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So me and Magcon_Lover_25 made a smut in honour of 20 days of Dallas so I hope you enjoy, go follow my bby!

- (Y/N's POV) -

I watch as my boyfriend, Cameron, wraps up his video and switches off the camera; getting ready to edit it.
Not on my watch.

"Cameron," I whine from the doorway, standing in his t-shirt and nothing else, literally. He nods his head at me, turning to his computer desk, I huff in annoyance. "Cameron." I repeat, hating to feel like an annoying, clingy child wanting attention but he's been busy all week; a girl needs some loving.

"What Y/N?" He sighs, logging onto his computer. I smirk and walk over to his chair, I wrap my arms around him from behind and kiss his cheek. "I'm busy Y/N, wait." He says, pushing my arms off of him.

I frown. "I understand you've got to do these videos but I've hardly seen you for a week straight, at least say fucking hello." I snap, spinning his chair around so he can see me.

He absorbs my appearance, gulping whilst he checks me out. "Fucking hello." He chuckles, I roll my eyes.

"I guess I'll have to help myself." I shrug and go to walk back to our bedroom but he stops me after I voice my idea. He wraps his arms around me from behind and carries me over to the couch at the side of the room.

"Not happening." He smirks and lifts the t-shirt off my body, he groans in pleasure when he sees me fully naked.

"Have you missed this?" I smirk, reaching down to unbutton his jeans. I push his jeans down his legs with my feet and he takes them off completely, next is his t-shirt until finally he's left in his boxers.

I push him down onto the couch and kneel between his legs, snapping the elastic of his boxers against his skin. He bites his lip and strokes my bottom lip with my thumb whilst lifting his hips so I can pull his boxers off of him.

Slowly yet surely I lower my lips to his tip and kiss it, knowing how much it teased him. "Don't tease me Y/N, I can't handle it." He mutters, placing his hand at the back of my head.

I smirk, in control of him, before wrapping my lips around his hard shaft and working my 'magic' as he likes to call it. "F-Fuck baby, yes, I've missed this." Every thing he says comes out as a moan, making me even wetter. I deep throat him a couple of times and use my hand to jerk the rest that I can't manage to fit in my mouth.

I lift my head and lick my lips, staring into his eyes as I jerk him off, he moans loudly. "I-I'm close." He groans out, clenching his eyes closed.

And with that, I stop with a smirk on my face. "Oh, is that how we're gonna' play huh?" He grunts and pulls me up onto the couch.

I nod my head as he switches our positions and kneels between my legs and spreads them, immediately burying his face between my thighs. He spreads me out and kisses my clit roughly, using his fingers to tickle my soaking wet entrance.

"C-Cam." I whimper, curling my toes as his tongue and lips work miracles. I pant as he slides his two fingers into me and begins pumping them in and out at a quick pace.

"You like that baby?" He asks, pulling his head up to look at me, smirking.
"Fucking love it." I confirm, reaching over to clench his hair in my hand.
"Are you gonna' cum for me baby girl?" He asks, curling his fingers inside of me to hit my favourite spot.

"Sh-Shit, yes." I scream, beginning to squirm.

He chuckles and returns his lips to my clit, kissing and licking it. I remember what I did to him and try to control my orgasm building up inside of me but it's just to hard to control when he's doing this to me.

He pulls away and kisses my thigh, smirking with his unfinished work. I shake my head at him and pull him down to kiss him roughly.

-- Miracle --

Cameron looked at me and his eyes turned black filled with lust. "Open up for me baby." I gasp as I slowly spread my legs for him, Cameron looked me up and down as he slowly got on top of me he grabbed his dick and slowly rubbed it over my clit.

I bite down on my lip. "Camm please don't tease me." He smirked as he pushed himself inside of me causing a loud moan escape my mouth. I closed my eyes as I felt him move in and out of me slowly making me feel every inch of him. "Open your eyes Y/N." I looked at him as he stroked me deep he moaned "Do you feel Y/N feel me deep inside of you?"

"Camm," I whined as I clenched around him causing to go a little harder he slide his hands over my body as he went harder and faster. "Camm I'm so close." He bit his lip and stroke me harder and deeper gripping my hips causing marks. I clenched around him, letting myself come undone for him.

Cam's strokes began to get slower, I moaned. "Cum for me Cam, give it to me." He moaned and stroked inside me once more causing him to come undone inside of me. He pulled out and looked at me. "Ive never seen such a sexy girl in my life." He pulled me close to him and nibbled on my neck. "Go to sleep sweetheart, round 2 when you wake up,"

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Cam."

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